Magda Bebawy Mikhaiel Abu elkhair

Educational Psychology Lecturer


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  • Birth Date:8/28/1981

  • Phone No:00000000000


  • Address:Beni-suef Governorate




school psychology

The teacher represents the first and basic pillar of the educational work. The educational process is a multi-pillar process and its success depends on the integration of these elements and elements and their work within one system. There are many difficulties, and the learner is the second pillar and essence of the educational process, and the academic problems and behavioral patterns he faces are an obstacle in the way of the success of the educational process. School psychology is a distinctive embodiment of the applied aspect of modern psychology theories, as school psychology has moved to the real field of learning (the school) with the aim of identifying closely the characteristics of the interaction between the elements of the situation in this field (the learner - the teacher - the learning process and its content of science and knowledge different) for the purpose of identifying and early detection of any problem that hinders the progress of the educational process or hinders the interaction of the elements of the educational situation together, in order to work on it, and then the necessity of psychological services arose in educational situations in order to facilitate the identification of problems before they become more complex. This, in turn, has imposed on the teacher a new role, which is certainly different from his role in the past. Through this perspective, the teacher is no longer just a tutor of information and knowledge obtained by the learner only as it was in the past, but school psychology has imposed the new role on the teacher as a specialist. I am a teacher, in the sense that the teacher must be able to identify the conditions of educational situations and the surrounding facts, and be able to identify the factors that can object to the success of that process, and even impose a new role on the teacher as a psychologist to be able to identify the treatment of These problems are commensurate with the capabilities of the learners in order to make this process successful. This is not only in the field of learning for ordinary students, but this role should be extended to include the educational environment for students of special groups as well, and work to confront the problems of these students and seek to provide them with as much experience as possible in different educational situations.


Research areas

Educational Psychology

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