The women's biographies between the challenge of traditional of narration and researching in other alternative types.
Research Abstract
This study is looking for how we can write the women's biographies in scientific way? All the post studies were looking for in the men's biographies.
Because of this neglect, many movements tried to organize this type of writing, the first trays from women, movement in the north of America and Canada. These attempts are going as follow:
First: we can say on the first direction in this field was the Theoretical direction. This direction was interested in the common features between men and women like body language, and the strength of correlation between each other.
Second : We have another type, this type does not focus on the difference between men and women from the biological side, but in different forms of expression due to different cultures, this method is preferable because it is interesting in the subject of writing without looking at prejudice. We can not deny the biological difference between men and women it is natural to show the difference in the writing of this biography, we find that every literary text, this gives to the text what distinguishes it from the nature of geographic or social of women.
Research Keywords
The women's biographies