Quality of Educational Research in Egypt – Theory and Practice, The European Conference on Educational Research "
Research Abstract
In the history of educational research, theory and practice have not found their interrelationships easily. The two basic contexts of education are often seen as out of touch with each other and as somehow distinctive fields of interest. Rhetorically their respective standpoints are often taken to be irreconcilable in that theory is considered as more or less always out of concrete grasp and practice as necessarily theoretically uninformed. Theory has its perspectives and practice its own. The tension between the concepts of theory and practice has a long history.
The important of this paper comes from The necessity of educational research in the quality of educational system ,try to decrease the gap between theory and practice in educational research in Egypt , study the necessity of theory, and discuss its role in practice and in framing research questions, informing analysis, and promoting reflexivity on the significance and relevance of research. This study explores the relationships between educational research and the state, the institutes that responsible for funding educational research , examines the ways in which the state is able to influence the priorities of educational research through its role as the key funder of such research and as a principal consumer of its results. I illustrate the mechanisms of improving the quality of educational research and the factors that affect on it. I take as a point of departure that substantial gains could be made if theory and practice could be more fruitfully connected in educational research .
The current study will use the descriptive method in order to know the obstacles that face educational research in Egypt , contemporary variables that affect on it ,and finally the mechanisms of improving the quality of educational research . The results of this paper are: there is a relationship between theory and practice, and there relationship with the production of knowledge and the practice of education with its reproduction,?
Research Keywords
educational research, quality, action research