Azzam Abd elnaby Ahmed Mohamed

Lecturer of comparative Education

Imagine a proposal to activate the Academic Advising Services Egyptian universities in the light of the experience of the United States of America

Research Abstract

Academic Advising is a core activity is included in most higher education institutions; where the discovery wishes of students and their abilities, and to identify their goals and help them draw realized her plans in line with their preparations, and helps to provide them with the basic skills needed for their work after graduation, and contribute to the overall development of their community (). With the introduction of a system of credit hours within universities students become are required to take fateful decisions safe, multiple choices affecting their path of education currently, and professional careers in the future, in addition to their need for help to face a lot of problems and attitudes of identifying their needs and interests Academy (), and from here emerged the importance of using guidance Academic inside universities. Returns need students to universities for guidance in being going through a critical period; where the transition from adolescence and entering into adulthood, which causes some difficulties and psychological study and problems; therefore, they are in dire need of help them to pursue their studies, which increases their need for extension services, and to programs and a wider arena for the exercise of academic guidance in order to take this aspect range of realistic and practical (). Under these conditions had on educational institutions provide a range of student guidance and steering services, social Kalarashad, and psychological counseling, and academic counseling, career and vocational guidance, and so emerged the importance of academic guidance which the educational institution provided within guidance, educational and student services group ().       In light of the above it is evident that there is an urgent need to provide guidance and orientation programs for students of university education and who represent human capital and development are the best types of capital investment, in order to achieve comprehensive development in the community, and therefore, the current study seeks to bring the perception may contribute in activating the academic guidance of the Egyptian university education services by taking advantage of the United States experience in this area, and can be formulated study the problem in the following main question:  "How can activate the academic guidance services for university students in Egypt in light of the benefit of the American experience" and fork to the following questions: 1. What what the Academic Guidance (concept - Growing - Objectives - methods - species)? 2. What justification for taking the academic guidance to students of Egyptian universities? 3. What the United States experience in providing academic counseling services at universities? 4. What perception (proposed) to activate the academic guidance services for students of university education in Egypt to benefit from the American experience? Second: The objectives of the study: The current research aims through descriptive analytical study to visualize the activation of academic guidance to students of university education Egyptian services, taking advantage of the experience of the United States, and by the following: 1. identify the nature of the academic guidance (philosophy and objectives, its origins, its types, methods, properties. 2. Identify the justifications and reasons for taking the academic guidance in Egyptian universities. 3. presentation of some academic guidance models of American universities and standards provided. 4. Analysis of the American experience in the field of academic guidance, to reach some of the mechanisms and guidelines and indicators that can be activated Bastkhaddmha academic counseling services for students of university education in Egypt. Third: The importance of the study: It kicks off the importance of the current study of the following:  they meet contemporary global trends related to the development and academic guidance to students of university education services; in order to meet the needs of the labor market, and deal with contemporary changes.  it is in response to the recommendations of the Egyptian government and many conferences with regard to improving the quality of the educational process director (student); and Thaoth to keep pace with contemporary global changes, and the needs of the labor market.  is a step in order to overcome some of the problems facing higher education students in Egypt Kaltokhr school, late conversion, drop-out, low level grades as a result of the absence of effective academic guidance.  guide policy-makers and decision-makers to educational how to activate the university academic guidance services in Egypt to benefit from the experience of the United States.  bring the perception may contribute to meet the different needs of students in the society of the third millennium, and is distinguished by its knowledge-based and technological explosion. Fourth: The approach of the study: Followed the current study descriptive analytical method, and is a descriptive approach of more methods that can be used to study the issues related to educational research (), and is a way of reliable access to accurate information to imagine the social reality and contributes to the phenomena analysis (), is used to describe the phenomenon, and the collection of information and data , and classification, and organization, and expression of the quantity and quality; to understand its relations with other phenomena, based on data and facts collection, classification, processing, and analyzing an adequate analysis and accurate; to extract its meaning and access to the results or generalizations about the phenomenon in question (). The approach was used descriptive in identifying the nature of the academic guidance in terms of the concept and the upbringing and philosophy, objectives, importance and advantages and characteristics and Onoah, as well as to identify the leading provider of counseling services for students of higher education in the United States models, in order to make use of them to activate the academic guidance to students of higher education services in Egypt. Fifth: the limits of the study and justification: The current research is limited to recognize the United States experience in providing academic counseling services for students of university education, as one of the successful experiences in this area, they are from countries that have pioneered and leadership in the field of academic guidance, is also available with an indicative models of successful working to meet the needs different for students, in addition to the availability of fixed mechanism to evaluate Alcadimi guidance and services program, as these programs are working to achieve the needs of students and resolve what Iatrdahm problems, as are chosen guides academics according to the rules and conditions and specific guarantees to provide good experiences for students working to meet their needs

Research Keywords

Academic Advising - university- Higher education

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