Basic Informations
Name :
Date of birth :
Present address:
Tel. :
E-mail :
Marital status :
Mohamed Saad Bakry
4 January 1976,
Beni-Suef, Egypt
Beni suef University
Faculty of Education
Shafee str, Beni suef
Egypt: 002-
0101- 779 - 7171
002- 0115- 340 - 0377.
Married with three
children (12, 7, years and 3 year).
Ph.D. in Arabic teaching methodology (granted date: July.
2009), Institut fuer Sozialpadagogik Weiterbildung Und Empirische Paedagogik,
WW Universität Münster, Germany, thesis entitled (Preventative
Program to Early Diagnosis and Remediation of Dyslexic Pupils in Primary School
in Egypt).
Master degree in Arabic teaching methodology, Cairo
University, Egypt (2003), thesis entitled (A suggested program in Arabic
language for science students).
Special diploma in education Cairo University, Egypt
(1999), final grade very good.
License in Arabic language, Cairo University, Egypt
(1997), final grade very good.
Mohamed Bakry (2018). The relationship between phonological awareness and
orthography knowledge and
word identification "longitudinal Study". Manuscript at ICCI.
(In Arabic).
Mohamed Bakry & Mohamed Abdul Kader (2018). The effectiveness of a phonological awareness based unit on in the treatment of primary
school student's spelling errors. Accepted at Journal of Faculty of
Education for Educational Sciences. . (In Arabic).
Mohamed Bakry (2017). Effects of morphological based
instruction on bilingual (Arab – German) students' ability to
comprehend texts and genres. ICCI. (In Arabic).
Mohamed Bakry (2016).
A Suggested strategy based on Vocabulary depth and context clues to
improve lexical inference for primary school students. Accepted at ICCI. (In
Mohamed Bakry,& Ch. Fischer (2016). Reading in
Arabic: The relationship between bilingual children morphological
awareness and Arabic word decoding, The
International Conference on Education and Psychology
(ICEAP) Kyoto, Japan, November 22-24, 2016.
Mohamed Saad Bakry, Hashem A Alsamadani ( 2015). Improving
the Persuasive Essay Writing of Students of Arabic as a Foreign Language (AFL):
Effects of Self-Regulated Strategy Development, Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 182, 89 – 97
Ramadan M. S. B. (2009): Preventative Program to Early
Diagnosis and Remediation of Dyslexic Pupils in Primary School in Egypt,
published online in
Ramadan M. S. B.
2012: Effects of Phonological awareness and phoneme-grapheme correspondence as
predictors of Reading accurate and word decoding skills for Arabic speakers'
children - longitudinal study (Prepared).
(September 2014 – till now) lecturer in the department of
curricula and Arabic instruction, faculty of education, Beni Suef University
(March 2014 – September 2014) Visitor researcher at the
Faculty of Education - University of Muenster – Germany.
(July 2012 – February2014) lecturer in the department of
curricula and Arabic instruction , faculty of education, Beni Suef
(September 2011 – June 2012) Assistant professor in the
department of Education, University College, Umm Alqura university,
Saudi Arabia.
(October 2010 – August 2011) lecturer in the department
of curricula and Arabic Instruction , faculty of education, Beni Suef
(June 2007 – July
2009) Studying PhD under a Grant from Government of Egypt at Institut fuer
Sozialpadagogik Weiterbildung Und Empirische Paedagogik, WW Universität
Münster, Germany.
-June 2007) Assistant Lecturer in the department of curricula and Instruction ,
faculty of education, Cairo University.
(April 1998 - December.2003) demonstrator in the
department of curricula and Instruction , faculty of education, Cairo
(January 1998 – July 1998) Arabic teacher, Beni –suef
city schools – Egypt.
(April 2017) Generic Course Design / Re- Design, University
of Strathclyde , UK, In cooperation with Beni Suef University, Egypt
(April 2016) Using SPSS in social sciences. Faculty of Science,
Beni Suef University.
(October 2015) Effective
Cooperation in Teams, DAAD Cairo.
(September 2015) Scientific Writing Structure and
Logic, DAAD Cairo.
(January– March 2014). Trainer in the “qualifying
teachers in service program” ministry of education in collaboration with the
Faculty of Education – Beni Suef University.
(May – July 3013)
Trainer in the Improve Childhood Education Program” Ministry of Education in Collaboration
with the Faculty of Education – Beni Suef University.
( December 2013 ) Communication and Rhetorical Techniques,
(October 5-8 2009)
Examination systems and students evaluating, FLDS center Beni Suef University,
(September 29-1
2009) University administration, FLDS center Beni Suef University, Egypt.
(September 8-10
2009) International publication of scientific research, FLDS center Beni Suef
University, Egypt.
( March 2006 –
April 2006) Germany language course, Zentrumfuerdeutsch, Egypt.
(February 2007)
international computer driving license, Egypt.
“building and using comprehensive evaluation tools" Competitive
Project, Suef University, Egypt. (Since 3014).
(2018) Reviewer at "Journal of Research in
Reading" Wiley online Library.
(2016) Participation in the International
Conference on Education and Psychology, Kyoto, Japan.
(2015) Reviewer at “ The international Journal of
English and literature”
4th world conference on Educational technology researches, Barcelona,
(2014) 2th Global conference on Psychology researches,
Barcelona, Spain.
The first scientific conference "Systemic in
Teacher Preparation a major demand to meet the challenges of the20 Century
(22-23 April 2003), faculty of education, Cairo University ,Egypt.
The second scientific conference "Childhood and
creativity (27-28 April 2004) faculty of education, Cairo University,
The Egyptian Association for Comparative Education and
Educational Administration 13th Conference "Accreditation and quality
assurance of educational Establishments" 29-30 January 2005), faculty
of education, Cairo University, Egypt.
The second scientific conference "prior
university curriculum reality and development strategies" (7-8
may2005) , faculty of education, Cairo University, Egypt.
The Egyptian Association for Comparative Education and
Educational Administration 18th Conference "Contemporary trends in the
development of education in the Arab world" (6-7 February2010) faculty
of education, Beni suef University, Egypt.
Design and implementation of assessment tools for
bilingual and monolingual learners .
Design and implementation phonological awareness
assessment and treatment programs for native and non native Arabic speakers.
Design and implementation phoneme-grapheme correspondence
assessment and treatment programs for native and non native Arabic speakers.
Design and implementation program s of teaching language
for specific purposes.
Language needs identification techniques for native and
non native Arabic speakers.
Integrated language programs design for native and non
native Arabic speakers.
Using self regulation development strategy to improve
persuasive essay writing for non native Arabic speakers.
Design and implementation morphological awareness
assessment tools for non native Arabic speakers.
Vocabulary depth and breadth tools.
Member of the “International literacy Association” (ILA).
of the “Egyptian council for curriculum and instruction” (ICCI).
Member of the “Egyptian association for reading
learning” (EARL).
- Dyslexia - Reading and Writing instruction for native and
non native Arabic speakers - Phonological
awareness, morphological awareness, phoneme-grapheme correspondence, visual
spatial assessment and treatment, Arabic language teaching for special purposes
Arabic instruction.
Methods of Teaching Arabic.
Teaching skills.
Arabic for specific purposes (non specialist students).
Prof. Dr. Mostafa Raslan, Faculty of education- Ain shams
university – Egypt, Tel. 002-010- 622-1225.
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Alnaqa, Faculty of education- Ain shams
university – Egypt, Tel. 002-012- 288-4661. e-mail:
Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer,i nternationales Centrum für
Begabungsforschung (ICBF), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster,
Bispinghof 5/6 , 48143 Münster , Tel. +49 251 83-29313, e-mail:
Gerd Mannhaupt,
Fachgebiet für Grundschulpädagogik und kindheitsforschung, Universität Erfurt,
Nordhäuser Str. 63, 99089 Erfurt, Tel.: +49-361-737-2101, Fax: +49+361-737- 2109,
Master Title
A Suggested program in the Arabic for scientific colleges' students
Master Abstract
The study aimed to measure the effectiveness of a proposed integrated program in the Arabic language for students of scientific colleges. To achieve this, the experimental design of the one group was used through the selection of thirty five students in the second year of the Biological department - Faculty of Science - Cairo University - Beni Suef branch as a study group. The results of the study indicated the effectiveness of the proposed program in the development of writing skills (writing reports, notes taking ), as well as spelling and grammatical skills, and reading comprehension skills
PHD Title
Preventative Program to Early Diagnosis and Remediation of Dyslexic Pupils in Primary School in Egypt)
PHD Abstract
Phonological awareness is crucial for literacy development, and they even have a casual relationship for alphabetic scripts. There is a wide body of research to support the view that children with low levels of phonological awareness on entering school are more likely to be poorer readers and spellers than those with high levels. Because academic success is largely dependent upon reading, teachers need a quick and accurate way to identify potential problems as early as possible. The purpose of the current study was to develop an intervention program to early identification and remedial children at risk of dyslexia in two domains (phonological awareness, and phoneme-grapheme correspondence). The study has two phases: in the first phase the early diagnosis test for dyslexia (phonological awareness, and phoneme grapheme correspondence) was designed and developed through implementation. In the second phase the remedial program was design only.
To determine the test norms, and answer the study questions, 85 and 80 Egyptian first-grade children were examined on tasks assessing phonological awareness, and phoneme-grapheme correspondence in 2 time points.
The results of the study included two phases, the first result indicate that the early diagnosis test for dyslexia (phonological awareness, and pho-neme grapheme correspondence) was valid, reliable to assess Egyptian first-grade children phonological awareness, and phoneme grapheme cor-respondence. The second result answered the study questions, which indi-cated firstly that: rhyme task was considered the easiest phonological awareness task (with mean, 7.04 - 7.76 and gain average .72); where as syllables segmentation is more difficult than the other skills (with mean, 5.62- 6.00 and gain average. 38). Secondly liquid task was considered the easiest phoneme-grapheme correspondence task (with mean, 73 -, 89) whereas nasal was more difficult than the other skills for both tasks (with mean .45 - .49) followed by fricative (with mean.56 - .62). Finally, Letter knowledge was most closely associated with syllables blending, and less closely associated with first syllable identification. In general there is a clear relationship between phonological awareness and phoneme-grapheme correspondence.
The study results was discussed in the light of the application and devel-opment of treatment program