Dr. Hanan Ahmed El-Rouby Mohamed Hassan

Lecturer, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University

Basic Informations


Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Hanan Ahmed El-Rouby Mohamed Hassan

Personal data

Name: Hanan Ahmed Al - Roubi Mohamed Hassan

Place of birth: Beni Suef

Nationality: Egyptian

Date of birth: 3/10/1983

Occupation: Lecturer, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University

Degree: Doctorate in Education (Specialization of Education)

Marital Status: Married

Mobile: 01091416242

Email h hananelrouby10@yahoo.com

@ edu.bsu.edu.eg


- PhD in Education, specialization in the origins of education (2013): with the recommendation to exchange with the Egyptian universities of the Faculty of Education University of Beni Suef and the title of the thesis: "A proposed proposal to activate academic guidance in open university education in Egypt."

- Master in Education (2009): Excellent grade with the recommendation of its exchange with the Egyptian universities from the Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University and the title of the letter "Mechanisms of activating the partnership of civil society institutions to teach people with special needs in light of contemporary societal changes".

Special Diploma in Education (2006) specialization of the assets of education with an excellent general grade from the Faculty of Education University of Beni Suef.

- Professional Diploma in Education (2005) with excellent grade from the Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University

- Bachelor of Science and Education - Natural History Division (2004) with a very good grade with honor degree Faculty of Education Cairo University.


- Instructor in the Department of Educational Origins, Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University, as of 23/6/2013

- Assistant Lecturer, Department of Educational Origins, Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University, from 22/11/2009

- Teaching Assistant, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Cairo University, from 13/1/2005.

Teaching activities

Courses taught at Beni Suef University:

Course Name Total Stage

History Education Bachelor Education

Education and Issues of the Bachelor of Education

Education and Problems

Social and Philosophical Origins of Education

School and Community Bachelor of Education

Contemporary Issues in Special Needs Education

Principles of Industrial Education

Philosophical Origins of Educational Bachelor Kindergarten

Philosophical Origins of Education

The history of education and the profession of the teacher educational diploma education

The Social and Philosophical Origins of Education Educational Diploma Education

Teacher and Special Education Profession Bachelor of Science with Special Needs

Child Education and Problems

Philosophy of Primary Education

Teacher and Profession Education Bachelor of Education

Education and problems of educational diploma Education

Since obtaining the degree of teacher of the assets of education college

the scientific activity :

Member of the team of characterization of the courses of the quality project, Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University 2015-2017

• Participating in the composition of the courses of the Department of Educational Resources, Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University: The philosophical and social assets of education, the history of education and the history of education, education and contemporary issues, international education, human rights, the teacher and the profession of education. People with special needs - the foundations of industrial education - school and society.

Participated as a trainer in the training seminar in Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq accredited institution

• Join the strategic plan team at the Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University to qualify the college to obtain accreditation at intervals.

• General lectures in the training exercises for teachers on the functions of staff at the Professional Academy for teachers in Beni Suef.

Scientific Conferences:

• Scientific Conference of the Graduate Studies and Research Sector in cooperation with the Education and Student Affairs Sector entitled "Towards Building a Strategy for Transforming Students into Researchers" at Beni Suef University.

• The 3rd International Conference of Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, Beni Suef University, in cooperation with the Union of Arab Universities on "The Role of the Electronic Portal in Universities in Promoting Scientific Research for Community Service and Environmental Development" 21/5/2013.

"The basics of dealing with people with special needs" held at the International Academy of Applied Sciences 24/10/2015.

• Second Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University, entitled "Childhood and Creativity in the Information Age", 27-28 April 2004.

• Fourth Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University, entitled "Role of the Family and Civil Society Institutions in the Discovery and Care of People with Special Needs, May 2005.

• The second conference of the disability challenge of Beni Suef University "Our youth is no disability" 2/12/2014, Unit of the Challenger of Disability University of Beni Suef

International Conference "Distance Education in Arab Universities - Applications and Future Prospects", 16-17 / 12/2014, Beni Suef University.

• First International Conference of Innovators "Egypt Invents" Beni Suef University in cooperation with the Union of Inventors, 8/3/2015.

• The First Student Conference "Student Activities and their Role in Developing Creativity and Pioneering Thinking", 27/3/2016, Faculty of Arts, Beni Suef University.

The 35th annual conference of psychology organized by the Egyptian Association for Psychological Studies 2-3 March 2019.

Courses and workshops:

1. The "Use of Technology in Teaching" course at the faculty development center at Beni Suef University from 15/1/2019 to 16/1/2019.

2. The "International Dissemination of Scientific Research" at the Center for Developing the Capacity of Faculty Members at Beni Suef University from 27/1/2019 to 28/1/2019.

3. Course "Financial and Legal Aspects of University Work" at the Center for Developing the Capacity of Faculty Members at Beni Suef University from 30/4/2019 to 1/5/2019

he course "Integrity, Transparency and Anti-Corruption" at the Center for Developing the Capacity of Faculty Members at Beni Suef University from 23/12/2018 to 24/12/2018.

5. Course "Examination Systems". In the capacity development center of faculty members at Beni Suef University from 14/4/2019 to 15/4/2019.

6. Course "Organizing Scientific Conferences". In the development of faculty capacity at Beni Suef University from 25/12/2018 to 26/12/2018.

7. Course "Evaluation Methods and Preparation of Tests". At the Education and Examinations Center (EDEC), Beni Suef University, 30/9/2018.

8. "Electronic Correction" course at the Education Development and Examinations Center (EDEC), Beni Suef University, 19/11/2018.

9. Workshop entitled "Egyptian Knowledge Bank EKB Window on the World in the Age of Knowledge: Potential, Classification and International Publishing". 19/11/2018 - 21/11/2018.

. Participate as a trainer for the governorate leaders in the courses held by the Directorate of Management and Administration "Time Management - Total Quality - The Basics of Evaluation - Psychological Characteristics" from 2014-2019.

11. Participating as a trainer in the program "Rehabilitation of teachers who are not qualified educationally" in several subjects (multiple intelligences - rehabilitation of people with special needs - comprehensive integration - mental health) and held at the Faculty of Education, Beni Suef, 2015 - 2017.

12. Participate as a trainer with the Directorate of Education in several programs to upgrade to higher jobs such as (psychological characteristics of the teacher of primary, preparatory and secondary school - Educational Calendar - Psychological and Social - Personal Care) held in the Directorate of Education in cooperation with the Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University 2014-2018.

Research Interests:

-           University education.

- Educational planning.

- Media Education.

- Quality assurance and accreditation.

- Economics of education.

- International Education.

-           Strategic management.

- Digital Education.

Master Title

Mechanisms of activating the partnership of civil society institutions to educate people with special needs in the light of contemporary societal changes

Master Abstract

Mechanisms of activating the partnership of civil society institutions to educate people with special needs in the light of contemporary societal changes Introduction: Education is one of human rights which is vital to develop the individual and the society. Thus all people deserve to have an outstanding education, but special needs education faces some challenges such as shortage of information and statistics about them and weakness of specialized leaders and teachers working at this field. Also, the gab between what is available and the educational services needed. What makes the partnership between the civil society institutions and the country in order to educate special needs, as the responsibility is no longer related to the government systems only, but the civil society become a partner in this responsibility. Also the partnership of the civil society institutions in education has added to the egyptian education system a new dimension. So it has been necessary to activate the partnership of the civil society institutions in educating the special needs to benefit of the human and material force of them. The problem of the study: Individuals with special needs seek to the co-operation between the government and the civil society institutions, because the government stands helpless in front of a lot of things which she can't face alone and needs to co-operate with the civil society institutions. That's because the rate of the handicapped in the world is reached (50 million) and in the Arab area (16 million) and in Egypt (2490127) in 2006 and it might reach (2899180) in 2016. That shows the ratio of the handicappeds is increasing what lead to the necessity pf the whole society participation to help these people in order to have their right to have good education. But there's shortage in the efforts of the civil society institutions, as in fact, their role is very weak towards them. The role of the political parties has been drawback and there are (254) person joined to the special needs union. Also, the civil society institutions lose co-operation and team work between each other and with other society institutions. That's all make it necessary to activate and align the partenership between the civil society institutions and between the government in the field of special needs education. The problem of the study can be formed at the following main question: How can we activate the mechanisms of the partnership of the civil society institutions in special needs education in the light of the contemporary societal variables? This question is branching out the following questions: 1- What are partnership, its types, and the role of the civil society institutions in it? 2- What are the contemporary societal variables and its reflection on the special needs education? 3- What are the status quo of the civil society institutions in the special needs education? 4- What is the suggested perspective about the mechanisms of activating the partnership of the civil society institutions in the special needs education? The objectives of the Study: This study aims at: 1- Recognizing the concept of partnership, its types, and the role of the civil society institutions in it. 2- Recognizing the contemporary societal variables and its reflection on the special needs education? 3- Recognizing the status quo of the civil society institutions in the special needs education. 4- Presenting the suggested perspective about the mechanisms of activating the partnership of the civil society institutions in the special needs education. The significance of the Study: The significance of this study appears clearly in: 1- It's cope with the call of president Mubark to consider the current ten years (2000-2010) a decade to protect the egyptian child. 2- It provides the local and official leaders with a clear vision about the partnership of the civil society institutions in the special needs education. 3- It presents a new horizon for the researchers at the field of the integrated programs as an introductory to the policy of mainstreaming the with special needs in the egyptian society. 4- Improving the services presented by the civil society institutions to the special needs. 5- The previous studies have concentrated on the role of the civil society only in education without referring to their educational role towards special needs, even the studies about partnership haven't concentrated on the civil society institutions, thus it contributes in abridging this gab. The Methodology of the Study: The "Descriptive Research Methodologies” is used to review the status quo of the special needs education system, and to describe the concept of civil society institutions and their role in education. Also, to describe the concept of partnership and its types, and to present the status quo of civil society institutions partnership in the special needs education The tools and the sample of the study: The study a questionnaire to gather data about the activating mechanism, it has been applied on a sample of school of special needs leaders (principal/ vice principal/ social specialist) and some civil society (political parties- civil societies- teachers union- businessmen society) to know the targets, requirements and obstacles of activating civil society institutions partnership and it has been prepared upon the theoretical framework and dissertations. The Limits of the Study: The current research is related to some civil society institutions (political parties- civil societies- teachers union- businessmen society) ,and some special education schools in Bani- Sweif, because the ratio of handicapped in it is very high compared to other governorates through the republic. As the ratio reaches (18649) in 2008 and it turned out that 67.69% is uneducated, 0.71% has above average, and 1.83% has higher education, what makes it necessary to activate the partnership of the civil society institutions in Bani- Sweif. Procedures of the Study: The steps of the study unfold as follows: 1- The framework of the study: it includes the study introduction, problem, objectives, significance, previous researches, methodology, scope, and its steps. 2- A theoretical presentation of the concept of partnership, its institutions and characteristics. Also the concept of partnership, its targets, its importance, its types, and the stages of constructing and developing it. As well as some models of the civil society institutions partnership in the special needs education in some different countries. 3- A theoretical analysis of some societal variables (political, economical and cultural) and its reflections on the civil society institutions partnership and the special needs. Also, presenting the concept of special needs and the requirements of their education, and models of special needs education in some countries. 4- A theoretical analysis of the status quo of special needs education and the efforts of civil society institutions, and the status quo of the partnership of the civil society institutions partnership in the special needs education . 5- Executing the field study to determine to what extend the primary school principals are practicing administrative creativity during their daily work. Also to know the requirements they need and the obstacles they face when they work in a creative way. 6- Proposing the suggestive perspective which consists of its foundations, requirements, and mechanisms of performing it, obstacles and the suggestive topics for further research. The Findings and Recommendations: The stud ended at presenting suggestive prospective for mechanisms of activating the partener ship of instututies in civil society of education peoples of special needs. The study reach the following results: 1- The partenershipn of civil society instituties became a basic need to achieve the continous development beside the state in the field of educating peoples of special needs. 2- The success of partenership process depends on modificating the lows and decisions that stand against activating the partenership of civil society instituties of educating peoples of special needs. 3- It is necessary to put mechanisms of sassing acclimate of respect between the fields or partenership. 4- It is necessary to make a previous show of projects strategies that need to achieve between the instituties of civil society and ministry of education in formatting the whole persons of partenship to do the role in achievement process. Its achievement based on some rules and recommendations through the following stages: ? The first stage: preparation stage: it is a beginning stage for beginning in activating the partenership of civil society instituties to change the common culture that refuse the other inside the instituties of civil society and hside the educational administration, and putting a plan every year that contains a programs of partenership. ? The second stage: a chievement stage: it is a stage depends on activating the partenership of civil society instituties that involves training the human people in the field of educating people of special needs, and making a guide involves the styles of partenership, the most important fileds that civil society instituies and the ministrg can participate its objectives. ? The third stage: following and evaluation stage: the activating of partinership civil society institituties of education peoples of special needs depends on the continous evaluation of what the partenership reach and writing a reports every year and every month about the edvantges and disadvatges of parternship. The suggestive studies and Researches: The subject of partenership of civilsouety instituties in one of the subjects that rarely has been needs: the following are some sussesstive studies: 1- a suggeesstive propective of activating the parternship of caring the talented people. 2- A comparative study of partenership of civil sonety instituties in education in Egypt in the light of expeviences of some countries. 3- Activating the partenership between civil society instituties and faclties of education for developing the general education in the light of experiences of some countries.

PHD Title

A Suggested Proposal for Activating the Academic Advising in the Egyptian Open University Education

PHD Abstract

A Suggested Proposal for Activating the Academic Advising in the Egyptian Open University Education A Dissertation Presented In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The degree of Doctorate of philosophy Foundations of Education)) By Hanan Ahmed EL-Rouby Mohammed Assistant teacher in the education principle department Supervised by Prof Dr. Abd Al Moneim Mohammed Mohammed Prof. of Foundations Education Department and the Dean of Faculty of Education in Bani-Suef University 1434H – 2013s Abstract Study title: "A Suggested Proposal for Activating the Academic Advising in the Egyptian Open University Education" Researcher's name: Hanan Ahmed EL-Rouby Mohammed Granting Body: Foundations of education, Faculty of Education, Beni Sweif University. Year of granting: 1434H – 2013s Study language: Arabic language Academic degree: Doctorate of philosophy in education – specialty of Foundations of Education. Supervisor: Abd Al Moneim Mohammed Mohammed Prof. of Foundations Education Department and the Dean of Faculty of Education in Bani-Suef University Abstract: This study aims to Be acquainted with the philosophy of the open education , its targets and its programs, Be acquainted with the philosophy of the academic advising , its importance , its characteristic and the role of the academic advisor in open education, Be acquainted with the reality of the academic advising in open learning centers in Egypt. Put a suggestive plane to activated the academic advising in open education in Egypt. This recent study uses questions to collect information about the requirements it is applied on some sample of universities staff member academic coordinators in open learning centers in Egyptian universities in (Cairo – Assiut -Bani-suef )to know to targets , requirements and the barriers of activating academic advising in open education this questions happened or applied in theoretical frame and depending on EX-studies. Findings of study: The findings have concluded the following: The suggestive researches in the field of academic advising can be concluded in : (1) Suggestive study to activate the partnership between all open learning centers to build an open Egyptian university (2) Comparative study for the services of academic advising in open education in the light of the previous experiences of some countries (3) A suggestive study to build academic advising offices in open education. (4) Evaluative study to the all role of staff member as (academic advisors ) in open education in Egypt. Summary Introduction Most world countries have been interest about universities and have seek to develop their educational performance and its quality. and also seek to update the administrative structure in universities to active the effectiveness of performance at all levels .open education is considered one of the most important innovations in the patterns of higher education as it aims to provide varied opportunities for different groups of adults to enroll in open education away from formal education with its traditional barriers. Considered that the services of the academic advising that provided in open educational Center, which is integrated around the educational experience of the learner for the services provided to students such as providing a helping hand to students about the problems of subject and introduce to students about the open education and the study programs and study system and address the difficulties that hinder the academic achievement of the students and try to resolve it. So that it was necessary activate the academic advising in the center of open education in Egypt because of its importance in success of open education and Achieving its aims. The Problem: Students of open education in Egypt need to academic advising because it considered as academic educational process &The essential main core for education. though the academic adviser is not practiced in the actual image in the open educational centers at Egyptian universities as the regulations and study planes stipulated it . It provides an academic coordinator for each study program and don’t deal with students and limit its role to provide faculty member from different collages programs to teach at the open learning centers. and many studies and researches confirmed that academic advisors are not willing to work as academic advisor be side the ambiguity of some roles of academic advising for both advisor and students. Also the weakness of freedom which granted to academic advisor and not being able to solve problems which students are exposed to in open education. thus the academic advising should be activated in open learning centers in Egypt. So we can formulate the problem of the study in the following Questions : (1) What is the nature of open learning education and its philosophy , targets , beginnings ,advantages and programs (2) What is the nature of academic advising and its philosophy , targets importance , characteristics ,types and the role of academic of academic advisor (3) What is the reality of the academic advising in open academic education in Egypt (4) What the suggestive plane to active the academic advising in open education in Egypt The Aims of Study: This study aims to (1) Be acquainted with the philosophy of the open education , its targets and its programs. (2) Be acquainted with the philosophy of the academic advising , its importance , its characteristic and the role of the academic advisor in open education. (3) Be acquainted with the reality of the academic advising in open learning centers in Egypt. (4) Put a suggestive plane to activated the academic advising in open education in Egypt. The Importance of the Study: The study is real important because (1) The increase of the number of the students in open education and the importance of developing it, updating it to cope with the international changes. (2) Carry out the orientations to developing the academic advising for open education students. (3) Improve the academic advising services which offered in open learning centers for the students . (4) To overcome some problems which face the open education in Egypt through academic advising. (5) The studies and research on the subject of the study focused on the existence of deficiencies and weakness in the academic counseling services and recommended that its activation. And thus contribute to the current study provide a suggested to activate academic advising in open education in Egypt. Study Methodaloer: To achieve the targets of this study , the descriptive approach has been adopted to describe the recent situation of open education in Egypt and to describe the academic advising ,its targets, its philosophy , its roles and its reality in open education in Egypt. The Tools and Sample of the Study This recent study uses questions to collect information about the requirements it is applied on some sample of universities staff member academic coordinators in open learning centers in Egyptian universities in (Cairo – Assiut -Bani-suef )to know to targets , requirements and the barriers of activating academic advising in open education this questions happened or applied in theoretical frame and depending on EX-studies. The limits and Justification of the Study: This study is applied only in some open learning centers in Egypt universities which included: Cairo university Assiut university, Bani - Suef university. That is why this study focused on Cairo university as it is the oldest pattern in the experience of open education on the country Bani - suef is taken as it is the most recent universities in this experience beside it is the main or original the researcher.For Assiut, it is the representative op upper Egypt in this study The Steps of the Study: This study has the following steps : (1) First step includes the main and general frame of the study it has an introduction of the research, its targets, its importance, previous experience, the approach of the research, the limits of the research and its steps. (2) Second step theoretical presentation A- To the concept of the open education and its philosophy ,its beginning , its advantages , its reflections and its systematic structure B- Present some social changes and its reflections contemporary on open education C- Presentation some patterns to open learning centers in the world in different countries (3) Third step : theoretical presentations A- To academic advising philosophy , its beginning , its development , its targets its importance ,its types and the organized patterns of academic advising B- Present different type of academic advisor , his role , his job , elicit some roles of academic advisors in some foreign and Arab countries. (4) Fourth step theoretic analysis to the reality of open education in Egypt , in open learning centers in Cairo university , Assiut university , Bani-suef university (5) Fifth step: Field study to have suggestive plane to active the academic advising in open education in Egypt (6) Sixth step : this suggestive plane includes open education is basics, its principles, its tools, its barriers and the suggestive outcomes. Results and Recommendations: The recent study has ended to offer suggestive plane to activate the academic advising in open education in Egypt and recommended the following : (1) The culture of academic advising should be prevailed between staff members and students (2) Be aware of the importance of academic advising (3) Prefer the result of non centered. The pattern of staff member to work as academic advisors in open learning centers in Egypt • It should be decided the academic roles and practice which academic advisors are doing in each stage in the study of open education • Put regulations to choose and train academic advisors by having academic places in which academic advising offers some requirements to the students this can happened through the following stages : (1) First stage: this is introductory stage before activating open education open learning centers should admit of the importance of academic advising and put a clear policy and regulations for it (2) Second stage Enacting stage A- This stage includes and train the academic advisors and evaluate them B- Prepare about the students and it should be given to the academic advisors (3) Third stage follow up and Evaluation this stage activated the role of academic advising by evaluating the advisors holding annual conference to gain benefit from specialized experts from different places in the field of academic advising. The Studies and the Suggestive Researches: The suggestive researches in the field of academic advising can be concluded in : (5) Suggestive study to activate the partnership between all open learning centers to build an open Egyptian university (6) Comparative study for the services of academic advising in open education in the light of the previous experiences of some countries (7) A suggestive study to build academic advising offices in open education. (8) Evaluative study to the all role of staff member as (academic advisors ) in open education in Egypt.

All rights reserved ©Dr. Hanan Ahmed El-Rouby Mohamed Hassan