Name / Abdel - Riyad Abdel - Samea Sayed.
Date of birth / 25-11-1981.
Current Position / Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, University
Beni Suef - Department of Curriculum, Teaching Methods and Educational Technology.
Specialization / Methods of teaching social subjects
General Specialization / Curriculum and Teaching Methods
Place of Birth / Beni Suef
Egyptian nationality
E-mail /
Marital status: Married
Phone / 01220510063 - 01146525140
Title of work / Faculty of Education - Shafei Street - Beni Suef Governorate
Qualifications and degrees
- PhD of Philosophy in Education (from the Department of Curriculum, Teaching Methods and Technology of Education) specialization (curricula and methods of teaching social studies) in 2011, and recommending the message between the Egyptian universities and educational research centers. Entitled "The impact of using the Marzano model to distance learning in the teaching of social studies on the development of geographical concepts and some mapping skills and spatial perception among elementary students"
- Master of Education (from the Department of Curricula, Methods of Teaching and Technology of Education), specialization (Methods of Teaching Geography), in 2008 entitled "Effectiveness of some educational activities in the subject of social studies to develop tourism awareness among primary school students" with excellent grade / recommendation. And trading between Egyptian universities).
- Special Diploma in Education, specialization (curricula and methods of teaching geography) 2005 Faculty of Education Cairo University branch Beni Suef grade (very good).
- BA of Arts and Education (Geography). 2003 - Faculty of Education, Cairo University, Beni Suef Branch, Grade (Excellent with Honors)
The effectiveness of some educational activities in the subject of social studies to develop tourism awareness among primary school students
Name: Abd El Aal Reiad Abd El Samee
A dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree doctor
Thesis Title: The Effect of Using (Marzano Model) of Learning Dimensions In Teaching Social Studies on Developing Geographic Concepts and Some Skills Related to Maps and Spatial Perception of Primary School Pupils
Destination :Faculty of Education , Beni-Suef University.
Summary: The current research aimed to detect after learning to use the sample dimensions in the development of geographic concepts and skills of map and spatial awareness through the teaching of social studies,
The research sample consisted of a group of fourth grade students from a school tree Durr primary joint of the Department of Beni Suef, educational, and research tools included: Test Thesela of geographical concepts, skills and test the map, and a test of spatial cognition.
The results of research the effectiveness of the model dimensions of learning in the development of concepts of geography and skills of the map and understanding the spatial to the research group.
The impact of using the Marzano model to distance learning in the teaching of social studies on the development of geographical concepts and some mapping skills and spatial perception among elementary students
PhD Summary
Researcher name: Abdel-Al Riad Abdel-Samie
A study for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education.
Title of Study: The Effect of Marzano Model on the Dimensions of Learning in the Teaching of Social Studies on the Development of Geographical Concepts and Some Skills of Maps and Spatial Perception in Primary School Students
Donor: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Beni Suef
Abstract: The current research aimed at detecting the effect of using the learning dimensions model in the development of geographical concepts, spatial skills and spatial perception through the teaching of social studies. The research sample consisted of a group of fourth grade pupils from the Shajar al-Dur Primary School of the Beni Suef Educational Administration. Research: Achievement test of geographical concepts, map skills test, and spatial perception test. The results of the research resulted in the effectiveness of the learning dimension model in the development of geographical concepts, spatial skills and spatial perception in the research group.University