Basic Informations
Attachment (1)
Model to meet the data autobiographical professors
First, the basic data:
1 Name Abeer Ahmed Ali Ahmed
2 Type Female
3 Function Teacher
4 Address16 Umar ibn Khattab Street - Alrmd- Beni Suef neighborhood
5 Telephone Nothing
6 Portable01111884623
7 Fax
8 Birthday: 26/06/1975
9 Email:
Second: Qualifications:
M Degree
University College Specialization Year
1 PhD curricula and teaching methods of education Beni Suef 2010
2 Master of Curriculum and Instruction Education Cairo in 2004
3 Diploma in Special Education Education, Cairo 2000
4 Bachelor of Arabic Language Education Cairo in 1997
Third: gradient title:
M Function
Year of the job the university / institution
1 Lecturer 1998-2004 College of Education - Cairo University
2 2004-2010 Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Education - Cairo University
3 teacher
2010 to date Faculty of Education, University of Beni Suef
Fourth, work in the field of quality assurance:
Fifth: the training courses / workshops
1) training courses in the field of quality assurance:
M training course / workshop of the donor of the course / workshop time period name
From To
2) the capacity of faculty development courses:
M training course / workshop of the donor of the course / workshop time period name
From To
1 "the use of technology in teaching" within the capabilities of the Faculty of Pharmacy teaching staff development program - Beni Suef University 3 to 6 January 2009
February 5 to 8, 2009
7 to 10 March 2009
12 to 15 April 2009
2, "the ethics of scientific research" within the capabilities of the faculty development program of the Faculty of Pharmacy - Beni Suef University
3 "Time management and meetings" within the capabilities of the faculty development program of the Faculty of Pharmacy - Beni Suef University
"Credit Hours systems" within the capabilities of the faculty development program of the Faculty of Pharmacy - Beni Suef University
3) Other courses in different fields:
M training course / workshop of the donor of the course / workshop time period name
From To
1 training Amwaliman- outstanding teachers training course Beni Suef University July 1, 2002 July 30, 2002
E-Learning Faculty of Education, University of Hail 01/10/1434 10/01/1434
2 electronic design courses College of Education, University of Hail 03/06/1434 06/06/1434
Research and survey Faculty of Education University of Hail skills first chapter
1433/1434 first quarter
Sixth: scientific research and conferences
1) published research
M Find the scientific journal Title Year of Publication
1 teaching aids and how to use the magazine College of Education in 2010
2) Working Papers
M Find the scientific journal Title Year of Publication
3) attend and participate in conferences
M conference title headquarters / city the conference date Conference
1 Egyptian Association conference accreditation and quality assurance _ University of Beni Suef January 2005
2 Second Scientific Conference childhood and creativity in the era of Amuallomat_ University of Beni Suef February 2007
3 Third Scientific Conference of globalization and pre-university education curricula _ Beni Suef University February 2008
4 teacher training teacher training course Alemtemizin_ University of Beni Suef July 2002
5 Fourth National Congress of the quality of Hail University College of Education 3 to 6 February 2013 m
6 Fourth Scientific Conference for students in Saudi Arabia Faculty of Education,
Photo attachments certification function on / workshops, training courses.
Photo attachments certificates / statements function on dissemination of scientific research and working papers and participate in conferences.
Seventh: Books published
M Address book publisher Publishing City Publishing Year
Eighth: the various activities associated with the operation of educational and community service:
1. honorable and audit unit and excuses
2. Control the second member of the band for the academic year 1433/1432 AH
3. Member of the Committee support and guidance Academic College of Education, University of Hail.
4. coordinated the fourth scientific conference for students in Saudi Arabia.
5. member of the Management of Academic Affairs Under the Faculty of Education's Office.
6. Member of the Committee Field Training Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, University of Hail.
7. lecture on the skills of research and survey for Undergraduate Students.
8. lecture on effective teaching skills.
9. lecture on the successful student characteristics.
Ninth: Other:
1. Participation in the exhibition announced the recognition of self-respect.
2. Participation in the Exhibition Forum Career Day I (Hemmati in my career).
3. Participation in the conclusion of extracurricular activity.
Master Title
Effectiveness of Program for the development of research skills and survey the Undergraduate Students
Master Abstract
Summary of the study in English
The language in every society a general system of individuals involved in the followers, they take mainly to express what touring Boukoatarham, in their understanding, with each other, and the language is not one of the things that are made by a particular individual or individuals were recruited, but Tkhalqgaha the nature of the meeting, and sends about life Assembly and what is required in these Life of expression of thoughts and exchange ideas Every one of us finds arises between his hands linguistically system goes attic combined is received by the curse of learning and simulation manner.
And Jderbalzkr that language many functions of these jobs: as a means to drain they wanted human society and drive the flow of things, it is also recording the heritage of human performance, and then cancel the dimensions of time and place, and functions as well: personal function and which refers to the ability of the speaker to express His ideas of the Interior, and also the expression of his emotions and with emotional like love and some people, and pleasure and sadness, and reciprocal function, and that emerges dramatically between individuals each other, and the guiding function, which enables us to express our requests, and function fictional and that refers to the creative process and authorship, whether in poetry or literature or writing articles and that function should encourage the learner if they appeared to have the gift of creativity.
PHD Title
The Effectiveness of a program on developing the necessary linguistic efficiencies of the primary education students department of Arabic language in the faculties of Education
PHD Abstract
Summary of the study, its results, recommendations and suggestions:
This is the summary of the study and its procedures, also the most results it reaches and some recommendations which make the results of the study applicable, that's beside some suggested researches.
1- Summary of the Study and it's Procedures:
The primary education in most of the global societies, specially developing countries considers responsible for bringing up most of its children, and preparing them to be good citizen in life. That's why it has obtained the attention of all educationalist, specially who make the educational policy. One of the curricula which contributes in translating this policy into a fact, the curricula of teaching the Arabic language at the primary stage.
The Arabic language considers the basic tool of study at different stages, specially at the primary stage, also the levels of the student achievement in different subjects is determined by his linguistic ability, and also to move from one grade to another. Thus, because the Arabic language is considered a big system at the primary stage, including different systems each of them have certain function in collaboration with other systems, because the educational system isn't a disconnected process that requires a teacher feels his responsibility about presenting the curriculum using his experience as a teacher.
So preparing teacher as well as possible considers a sign of progress and development inside the society, thus, the case of preparing teachers has much attention of the government, and a ministerial decree No. (669) in 6/9/1988 has issued to establish the department of preparing the primary education teacher at the Faculties of Education.
The student teacher needs a group of efficiencies and skills related to Arabic language, as some studies have pointed out that it's necessary to concentrate on the linguistic efficiencies and developing them because of the weakness of some teachers of Arabic, as they aren't command of the linguistic efficiencies.
These efficiencies needed to be developed in the student teacher, because they are necessary for him after graduation to be an outstanding teacher whom very good at his specialization. The researcher has noticed that most student teachers lose these efficiencies in the field training which they practice through their study in the faculty, although these efficiencies are so important to prepare the student to teach Arabic language accurately, as the levels of performance has been so weak in most of these efficiencies. Thus it's necessary to make a practical study to develop some linguistic efficiencies of the primary education students department/ Arabic language section. So the problem of the research can be determined in the following question:
"What is the effect of a suggested program on developing the necessary linguistic efficiencies of the primary education students department of Arabic language in the faculties of Education?"
The following sub- questions are branched out:
• What are the necessary linguistic efficiencies of the primary education students department of Arabic language in the faculties of Education?
• To how extent are these efficiencies available at these students?
• What are the suggested program to develop these linguistic efficiencies of them?
• What is the effect of the suggested program to develop these linguistic efficiencies of them?
A- To answer the first question "What are the necessary linguistic efficiencies of the primary education students department of Arabic language in the faculties of Education?" the study followed the following steps:
- Making a survey of the necessary linguistic efficiencies of the primary education students department of Arabic language from several sources such as:
* Extrapolation of researches and prior dissertations which have been done at the field of developing linguistics efficiencies.
* Some literature about curriculum and methodology of Arabic language related to the linguistics efficiencies.
* Meeting some teachers of Arabic at school to recognize the linguistics efficiencies necessary to the student of primary education "department of Arabic language".
That would answer the first question of the study.
B- To answer the second question " To how extent are these efficiencies available at these students? "
That has been done through preparing an achievement test to measure some linguistics efficiencies using the test linguistic mastery and applying it on a sample of student (60) in a pre- test. In the light of the answers of the students, the study reached net degrees, then by using proper statistical techniques, it reached the results that mentioned in chapter four.
C- To answer the third question " What are the suggested program to develop these linguistic efficiencies of them?".
The program has been taught to the sample of the study, the students of the third year, Faculty of Education, Bani- Sweif University, using the strategy of reciprocal teaching and educational workshops and also designing a web site in order to employ modern technology in developing the linguistic efficiencies. The duration of applying the program has been about one month and a half.
D- To answer the fourth question " What is the effect of the suggested program to develop these linguistic efficiencies of them?
The researcher has applied the post test to know the effect of the suggested program and to how extent the students have acquired these efficiencies, then preparing the program and reaching the results, then handling, explaining and discussing them statistically.
2- The Results of the Study:
The most important results which the study has reached:
A- The field study which was made to know the teachers of Arabic language about the most important linguistic efficiencies which should be developed at primary education department "Arabic language section". They have agreed with the percentage of (90%) that these students lose linguistics efficiencies, Also they agreed that these students lose a lot of reading efficiencies when they practice teaching, making a lot of mistakes of linguistics rules. That's beside they can't feel literature text to show it fineness, and don't give listening much attention during teaching.
B- A list of most important linguistics efficiencies has been prepared which are necessary to the student of third year of primary education department :Arabic language section". Then preparing an achievement test to measure these efficiencies, also a suggested program has been designed to develop these efficiencies via presenting it in a way of educational workshops using the strategy of reciprocal teaching.
C- The effect of the program on the sample of the study and to how extent these efficiencies has been developed, specially in the post- test after teaching the program between the two groups (the experimental and the control group).
D- Some studies assured that linguistic efficiencies can be improved through using a program seeks to fulfill that in the study of (the conference of the second language science, 2004) and this matches with what this study has done.
3- Recommendations and Suggestions:
According to the results of the study, the researcher has reached some recommendations and suggestions as follows:
A- The necessity of continual revising of the syllabuses of the Arabic language in the department of primary education in the light of its effectiveness in achieving the linguistic efficiencies of the students.
B- Adding the list of linguistic efficiencies which the current study has reached in the syllabus of the Arabic language in the department of primary education.
C- The necessity of concentrating on practicing and performance of the linguistic efficiencies, and not to minimize it to the theoretical cognitive side only.
D- The necessity of taking the characteristics and the needs of the students into account, also the teachers of primary education stage at preparing the programs of the Arabic language in the department of primary education.
E- Assuring the function on learning and acquiring the linguistic efficiencies in the department of primary education.
F- Attracting the attention of those who teach Arabic language at the academic stage to use modern technology such as the computer and the Internet with their characteristics which can be achieved via using them in a right way to develop the linguistic efficiencies.
G- Using the approach of the linguistic efficiencies in developing the linguistic culture of the academic stage students.
H- Evaluating the skills of the Arabic language in the light of the linguistic efficiencies of the academic stage students Arabic language department.
I- Making a suggested curriculum to develop the linguistic efficiencies of kinder garden female teachers.