Basic Informations
Name: Gomaa Saeed Tohamy AbdelGawad
Job: Associate Prof of foundations of Education and planning– Foundations of Education and administration Dept. and associate Visiting Professor in foundations and educational administration , Sultan Qaboos University (Oman )
Marital status: Married
Date of birth: 31/7/1976
Address: 12 Beni-Sueif elgadida St , Beni Suef Governorate, Egypt
Mobile: 002011446910618- 00201094968570
Second: The academic qualifications
? A science and education bachelor, Mathematics and Computer specialty with estimated very good degree (1998s).
? A private education diploma, education foundations specialization with a very good degree (2000s).
? A master degree in education with the title” a suggested proposal for the cultural preparation of faculty of education’s students in the light of the current cultural challenges’, education foundations specialization with an excellent degree and recommendation of printing the thesis on the university’s own expenses and publication amongst universities and scientific research centers (2003s).
? PhD degree in education, Foundations of education specialization with a title” an evaluation study for measuring to what extent the social justice could be achieved in the basic education system in the light of some contemporary societal variables with recommendation of printing the thesis on the university’s own expenses and publication amongst the universities (2009s).
Third: Career ladder
? A demonstrator in the education foundation dept., faculty of education, Beni – Suef University with approval of the university president on 8/5/1999s.
? A research assistant in the education foundation dept., faculty of education, Beni – Suef University with approval of the university president on 5/11/2003s.
? A lecturer in the education foundation dept., faculty of education, Beni – Suef University with approval of the university president on 24/2/2009s.
? Associate professor at foundations of education and administration department from April 2014.
Experiences on teaching (teaching the following courses) :
? Education population
? Introduction to education
? Social foundations of education
? Philosophy of education
? Principals of education
? Methods of educational research
? Economics of education
? Accreditation and quality assurance
? Strategic planning
? Contemporary trends in education
puplished papers
? Gomaa S.Tohamy(2009), Quality of Educational Research in Egypt – Theory and Practice, The European Conference on Educational Research "Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research" , Vienna, Austria from 28 - 30 September 2009
? Gomaa S.Tohamy, Osama M. Korany(2009), Activating partnerships among schools and institutes of education as an approach to professional development for teachers and leaders in Egypt, The European Conference on Educational Research "Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research" , Vienna, Austria from 28 - 30 September 2009
? Gomaa S.Tohamy ,Osama M. Korany , (2010), Activating partnerships among schools and institutes of education as an approach to achieving quality of institutional performance in Egypt, journal of faculty of education ,Beni-suief university , No.2,October .
? Gomaa S.Tohamy(2011), Suggested vision for applying educational added value approach in assessing educational associations in Egypt , journal of education and development, association of culture and development at Sohag, April.
? Osama M. Korany , Gomaa S.Tohamy , (2012), suggested proposal for activating the role of e-learning centers to apply blended learning at Egyptian universities , journal of faculty of education ,Beni-suief university , No.1,january .
? Seham S. Ahmed ,Gomaa S.Tohamy (2012), Evaluative study for the current ranking of Egyptian universities in the international standards of universities , journal of Arab education prospective , Arab center for education & development , October.
? Gomaa S.Tohamy (2013), requirements for making colleges of Beni-Sueif university are ready to have accreditation from the views of faculty staff , journal of faculty of education , Azhar university, No.153, April.
? Abdelmoniem Mohamed , Gomaa S.Tohamy (2010),styles of privatization on education and applying them, the tenth conference of Egyptian association of comparative education
? Gomaa S.Tohamy (2013) ,Suggested vision for activating the university role at society service , the second international conference at Beni-suief university and the Arab universities , 19-20 February.
? Gomaa S.Tohamy (2013),The methods of strategic planning in higher education , the seventh international conference strategic planning for accrediting Arab colleges-towards excellence, Arab center for education & development, 22-24 December .
? Mostafa Ragab, Gomaa S.Tohamy (2014), strategic planning for raising scientific productivity of staff of Egyptian universities in the light of standards of Egyptian accreditation and quality assurance association scientific productive the value and the effect, association of culture and development at Sohag, 26-27 April.
? Mohamed Lashin , Gomaa S.Tohamy , Hayam Mostfa (2014), Suggested vision for easy transition from kindergarten to primary school in the light of Germany experience , international conference for early childhood , challenges ,hopes and trends , Sultan Qaboos University, college of education , 16-18 February
Other Experiences :
? Accredited trainer from IBCT
? Trainer on pathways to higher education courses at Cairo university ( systems and creative thinking, communication skills, analytical thinking , research methods,…..,etc)
? Trainer for teachers and ministry of education
? Trainer of accreditation and quality assurance programs at Beni-Suef University, Egypt.
Master Title
A Suggested Proposal of Cultural Pre-Service Teacher Education in the Light of Some Contemporary Cultural Challenges
Master Abstract
This study aimed to know some modern cultural challenges which face the faculties of Education’s students and their awareness degree of it, and determine the requires of cultural preparation in the light of these challenges , and then we can present a suggestion shape for this preparation which may active the cultural role of the teacher.
This study uses the descriptive approach in research procedures, and collecting and illustration the data and it uses some tools of this approach. The researcher prepared two questionnaires and applied one of them on the students of the fourth stage in the faculty of Education in Beni-Suef to know the degree their awareness of some modern cultural challenges. But, the second questionnaire was applied on a sample of educational department’s stuff in some faculties of education. to determine the requires of cultural preparation for students.
Field study results show :
The degree of students’ awareness of modern cultural requires was generally positive.
The degree of students’ awareness of cultural challenges for the absent of political awareness was the first thing that has appositive awareness degree.
The necessity of using uniting technique and independent technique together in handing the preparing cultural subjects.
The necessity of dividing the cultural courses into compulsory courses and chosen courses.
The requiring for increasing the specified percentages for the cultural side and increasing its subjects and making it actual.
The necessity of joining the cultural preparing subjects with the modern cultural challenges.
PHD Title
An Evaluation Study for the Extent of Achieving Social Justice in the Basic Education System in the light of Some Contemporary Societal Variables
PHD Abstract
Title of the study: “An Evaluation Study for the Extent of Achieving Social Justice in the Basic Education System in the light of Some Contemporary Societal Variables”
This study aims at clarifying the concept of the social justice in the educational thought, and the levels and reality of its achievement in basic education system through the statistical analysis of some indicators. In addition to that the study is supposed to reveal some of the contemporary societal variables, their relationship with the basic education system, and to offer some suggestions for achieving the social justice in basic education system.
The descriptive method has been used to reveal the reality of the social justice in basic education system. Besides, a questionnaire has been prepared to get some suggestions for achieving social justice in basic education system in the light of some contemporary societal variables.
The study has shown that the general Egyptian state spending on education has been decreased from 14.8% in the year 98/1999 to 12.5% in the year 2005/2006. According to the Egyptian ministry of education statistics of the year 2005/2006, the percentage of primary school enrollment reached to 95%, while this percentage was around 65.5% in the prep school. In Egypt, the percentage of unqualified teachers in primary schools has reached to 14.7% most of them have worked in rural districts, and the rate of students / teacher in the public primary schools has reached to 27.4 and in private primary schools 21.1, while this rate in German primary schools has reached to 18.8.
Finally, the study suggests for instant, increasing the budget of basic education, increasing the interest of qualifying teachers and raising their salaries, activating the role of civil society in supporting basic education, and providing scholarships by private sector and schools for gifted poor students to learn in private schools.