osama Mahmoud kornay abd rabou


Basic Informations


Osama Mahmoud Korany Abd Rabou
Date of Birth: January, 15th 1973
Place of Birth: Bani- Sweif
Marital status: Married with children
Address: Helmy Street, behind Al-Hummyat Hospital
Home phone: 082-2338500
Mobile: 0102006870

Master Title

Planning a Specialized University Unit for Local Community Services in Beni-Swief.

Master Abstract

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PHD Title

"Organizational Development of Egyptian Higher Education in the Light of Some Recent International Trends." No Grading System: Recommended for University Libraries Interchange

PHD Abstract

"Organizational Development of Egyptian Higher Education in the Light of Some Recent International Trends." No Grading System: Recommended for University Libraries Interchange

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