Basic Informations
*Personal Data
Name : Eman Mahdy Mohammed Mahdy
Phone Number : +20 2373 43931 , +20 (82) 2323563
Mobile No : +20 (12) 1222315785,
Date of birth : 20/09/1977
Nationality : Egyptian
*Scientific Qualifications :
Dec 2009, PhD of Philosophy in Education "Curricula and Educational Technology", Faculty of Education - Beni Suef University, entitled "The Effectiveness of a Suggested Training Program using Asynchronous Learning in providing students in the Faculty of Specific Education with Design skills for an Electronic Learning Module in the Subject of their Specialization and Developing their e-learning Attitudes ", with the recommendation( exchanging the thesis among Egyptian and Arabic universities".
Sep 2004, Master of Philosophy in Education "Curricula and Educational Technology", Faculty of Education, Cairo University - Beni Suef, entitled "The Effect of a Multimedia Based Program at Instructional Technology on the Cognitive levels of Both the Field-independent and Field-dependent Students at Faculty of Education". a general appreciation of excellence.
Sep 2000, Special Diploma in Education, two years system - Cairo University - Beni Suef, with general estimate (Very Good).
May 1998 Bachelor of Arts and Education - Division of the French language - Cairo University - Beni Suef Branch, with general estimate ( Very Good with Honors),.
*Employment History :
From January 2010 till now.
Lecturer at Faculty of Education, Beni- Suef University, (Curricula and Instructional Technology Department)
From 2005to 2009.
Assistant Lecturer in Faculty of Education, Beni- Suef University, (Curricula and Instructional Technology Department)
From 1999 to 2005
Demonstrator in Faculty of Education, Cairo University ,Beni- Suef Branch,(Curricula and Instructional Technology Department)
*Courses received
1 - The use of technology in teaching.
2 - Communication skills in different learning styles.
3 - The ethics of scientific research.
4 - Effective Presentation Skills.
5 - Recent trends in teaching.
6 - Methods of scientific research.
7 - ICDL.
8-Diplôme D'Étude en Langue Française (D.E.L.F) (1er degree" A1,A2, A3, A4").
9- Effective E-Teacher
10- Advanced E Teacher
11- E-Teacher Online Week, From Quick Lesson& The Korean society for education technology
*Foreign Languages
English: Very good .
French: Very good.
*Teaching experience: To teach the following subjects:
1 - Education Technology.
2 - Teaching aids.
3 - Micro teaching.
*In addition to
* supervision of field training for students "practical education".
* participate in some lectures curriculum.
Member of E-Teacher Program
Master Title
Effect of the Suggested Multimedia Program, Used in the Educational Technology Class, on the Cognitive Levels of Both the Field-Independent and Field-Dependent Student Teachers
Master Abstract
Effect of the Suggested Multimedia Program, Used in the Educational Technology Class, on the Cognitive Levels of Both the Field-Independent and Field-Dependent Student Teachers
Research Summary, Recommendation and Suggestions
Computer is considered one of the most important technologies used in the educational arena. Many computer programs have developed to keep pace with educational process by creating positive environment where learners interact with these programs in a way that cultivates their skills, develops their experience, and changes their attitudes towards the educational process. Of these various and enormous computer programs, there are multimedia, hypermedia, hypertext, and artificial intelligence programs.
As to multimedia, simply, it means a hybrid of many elements of clarifying and transmitting the message, e.g., sound, image, and text.
Paying attention to the use of multimedia in educational settings, with its modern concept, resulted from the noticeable change in the educational though, that changes from group-learning situations to individualized ones, and from learner-evaluation that is based on learning the content by heart to the evaluation that is based on what the learner actually performs and what he/she accomplishes from the educational goals. Also, the interest in using multimedia came as a result of the change in teachers' roles; teachers now are not only transmitting the scientific and educational heritage to their students, but also they are required to deal with modern technological equipment, tools, and resources, and they are required also to design and make use of its functions and capabilities to better increase the efficiency of educational situations.
In spite of what is mentioned above, there is still some shortage and lack in the use of such modern technology in the Faculty of Education (FoE), Cairo University at Beni Suef. Therefore, the current research if an attempt to identify the effect of a multimedia program on the cognitive levels in the student teachers at FoE in Beni Suef.
Statement of the Problem
In the light of the above, the research problem can be clearly defined and delimited in the importance of integrating educational technology in the educational class itself. Therefore, this research tries to practically incorporate it, and then finds out the effect of the multimedia program, proposed to be used in the educational technology class, on the cognitive levels of both the field-independent and field-dependent student teachers.
The study main question can be stated as follows:
What is the effect of the suggested multimedia program, used in the educational technology class, on the cognitive levels of both the field-independent and field-dependent student teachers?
From this main question, the following sub-questions were derived:
* What is the effect of the suggested multimedia program on the cognitive levels of the student teachers at FoE?
* What is the effect of the suggested multimedia program on the cognitive levels of both the field-independent and field-dependent student teachers?
Research Objectives
The current research aims at finding out the following:
1. The effect of the suggested multimedia program on the cognitive levels of the student teachers taking the educational technology class.
2. The effect of the suggested multimedia program on the cognitive levels of both the field-independent and field-dependent student teachers.
Significance of the Research
This research may help:
1. Present a multimedia program; a pattern that could be followed to develop more equivalent programs in other specializations at the FoE at Beni Suef.
2. Identify the efficiency of multimedia in affecting the cognitive levels in FoE student teachers.
3. Provide educational technology instructors at FoEs with some multimedia concepts that FoE students should acquire before their graduation.
Study Design
The current research uses the experimental design to verify the effect of the suggested program on the cognitive levels of the student teachers through verifying the formulated hypotheses. The research uses the two- experimental group design; one for the field-independent student teachers and the other for field-dependent students.
Study Hypotheses
The study attempts to verify the following hypotheses:
1. There are significant statistical differences between the mean scores obtained in the pretest and those obtained in the posttest of the field-independent experimental group
2. . There are significant statistical differences between the mean scores obtained in the pretest and those obtained in the posttest of the field-dependent experimental group
3. There are significant statistical differences between the two experimental groups in the posttest.
Research Results
The research results were as follow:
1. There are significant statistical differences between the mean scores obtained by the field-independent in the pretest and those obtained in the posttest (Recall, comprehension, application & total score) in favor of the posttest in which the mean scores were higher than those of the pretest in all aspects of the achievement test and total score. Therefore, the third hypothesis is supported and accepted.
2. There are significant statistical differences between the mean scores obtained by the field-dependent in the pretest and those obtained in the posttest (Recall, comprehension, application & total score) in favor of the posttest in which the mean scores were higher than those of the pretest in all aspects of the achievement test and total score. Therefore, the third hypothesis is supported and accepted.
3. There are no significant statistical differences between the mean scores obtained by the field-independent experimental group and those obtained by the field-dependent experimental group in the posttest (Recall, comprehension, application & total score). Therefore, the first hypothesis is not supported and refuted.
Recommendations in Relation to Making Use of Multimedia Technology
In the light of her results, the researcher recommends the following:
1. To make it possible for all educational technology instructors to integrate this program in the educational technology class and use it with all learners to make the utmost use of it.
2. To pay extra attention to computer labs in FoEs and to provide it with the most recent and up-to-date equipments and a variety of software to achieve its desired outcomes.
3. To pay more attention to the development of various multimedia programs for different cognitive style of the learners to simplify and individualize the learning process.
4. To put a plan for exchanging multimedia programs between different FoEs to make use of modern technologies.
Research Suggestions
1. Proposing a multimedia program for teaching educational technology syllabus.
2. Proposing a multimedia program in different specializations and subject matters.
PHD Title
The Effectiveness of a Suggested Training Program Using Asynchronous Learning in providing students in the Faculty of Specific Education with Design Skills for an Electronic Leaning Module in the Subject of their Specialization and Developing their e-learning Attitudes
PHD Abstract
The current era is characterized by enormous scientific and technological progress, which has contributed to bring many changes in various areas of life. To follow up all the developments and changes within the educational matrix; the Ministry of Education has established centers of technological development, the local networks of education to benefit from the worldwide web and its advantages in the educational process, in addition to offering e-learning projects as a starting point for amendment and application in various stages of education since such projects are characterized by flexibility, continuity and keeping up with the goals of modern education.
Research Problem
The problem of the current research can be stated as an attempt to determine:
"The effectiveness of the suggested training program using asynchronous learning to provide the students in the Faculty of Specific Education with the design skills for an electronic leaning module in their specialization and to develop of their e-learning attitudes"
The research attempts to answer the following questions:
1- What is the effectiveness of the suggested program using asynchronous learning in developing the achievement of Faculty of Specific Education students?
2- What is the effectiveness of the suggested program using asynchronous learning in developing the attitudes of the students of the Faculty of Specific Education towards e-learning?
3- What is the effectiveness of the suggested training program using asynchronous learning in providing Faculty of Specific Education students with the skills of designing an electronic module?
Significance of research
The current research may contribute to:
1- Give a spotlight on the asynchronous learning, its importance in improving the educational process and avoiding the disadvantages of traditional education.
2- Present a program using asynchronous learning that could be replicated in other curriculums within the faculties of education.
3- Enrich the research studies that address the issue of asynchronous learning.
4- Train students in using modern technologies in the educational process.
Objectives of the Research
The goal of current research to address the problem of search of the low skill level of students in designing the study and know that by selecting the program's effectiveness based on the asynchronous transmission in the development of student skills, and attitudes towards e-learning .
Limitations of the Research
The current research limitations were:
1- Preparing a training program to provide the students with basic skills of using Internet.
2- Using Moodle Program in the design of the website.
3- Using e-mail and the educational forums during the administration of the program.
4- Third year students in the instructional technology division at the Faculty of Specific Education, Minya University.
5- Second semester for the academic year 2008/2009.
Research Hypotheses
The current research attempted to testify the following hypotheses:
1. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores obtained by the experimental group on the achievement pretest and those obtained on the achievement posttest in favor of the posttest.
2. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores obtained by experimental group on the pre administration of the attitude scale and those obtained on the post administration of the attitude scale in favor of the post.
3. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores obtained by the experimental group on the pre/ post administration of the product evaluation form for the skills of designing an electronic module in favor of the post administration.
Experimental Manipulation Materials
An educational website prepared by Moodle Package.
Research Tools
The tools used in the research were:
1- An observation sheet for the performance skills of using Internet, prepared by the researcher.
2- An achievement test prepared by the researcher.
3- An attitudes scale, Prepared by the researcher.
4- A final product evaluation form for the skills of designing an electronic module, prepared by the researcher.
Research Method
This research used the quasi-experimental method, "one group design" to verify the effectiveness of the program which is based on asynchronous learning in providing the students with the required skills to design an electronic module.
Research Variables
The independent variable was:
- A website based on asynchronous learning.
The dependant variables were:
1- The skills of designing an electronic module.
2 –An attitude towards e-learning.
Research Procedures
Firstly, the theoretical Section:
1 – Browsing references and researches which handled internet and e- learning.
2 - Identifying the basic skills necessary to use Internet.
3 - Preparing a list of the skills required for the use of Internet and presenting it to juries specialized in instructional technology to know their opinions about its validity for administration.
4 - Preparing an observation sheet to follow up the performance of students.
5 – Preparing a training program for developing internet skills and presenting it to juries specialized in instructional technology to know their opinions about its validity for administration.
6 – Preparing an educational website to develop the skills of students in designing an electronic module and presenting it to juries specialized in instructional technology to know their opinion about its validity for administration.
7 - Preparing a product evaluation form for the skills of designing an electronic module and presenting it to juries specialized in instructional technology to know their opinions about its validity for administration.
8 - Preparing an achievement test and presenting it to juries specialized in instructional technology to know their opinions about its validity for administration.
9 – Preparing an attitude scale for assessing students' attitudes towards e-learning and presenting it to juries to know their opinions about its validity for administration.
Secondly, the practical Section:
1- Selecting of the study group from the third year students of the Faculty of Specific Education, Minya University.
2- Observing the performance of students in using the Internet before the administration of the training program and taking notes on the observation sheet.
3- Administering the pretest.
4- Administering pre-attitudes scale.
5- Administering the training program.
6- Observing the performance of students in using the Internet after the Administration of the training program and taking notes on the observation sheet.
7- Reserving the domain name and hosting server for the educational website.
8- Designing a website using a learning content management system "Moodle".
9- Distributing the URL to all of the study students as well as allocating their accounts online through a user name and password for each student so that they can be observed by the researcher individually, also to identify the time period when the students were studying the educational material online.
10- Evaluating student performance in relation to the design of the electronic module.
11- Administering the posttest.
12- Administering post-attitudes scale.
13- Doing statistical manipulations and interpreting results in the light of research hypotheses.
14- Presenting recommendations and suggestions in the light of the results of the research, and finally, presenting a research summary of the research in Arabic and English.
Research Results
The current research bore out the following results:
1. There were significant statistical differences between the mean scores obtained by the experimental group on the achievement pretest and those obtained on the achievement posttest in favor of the posttest.
2. There were no significant statistical differences between the mean scores obtained by the experimental group on the pre administration of the attitude scale and those obtained on the post administration of the attitude scale.
3. There were significant statistical differences between the mean scores obtained by the experimental group on the pre/ post administration of the product evaluation form for the skills of designing an electronic module in favor of the post administration.
Research Recommendations
In the light of the current research results, the researcher recommends the following:
1- Designing programs and courses to develop students' skills in dealing with the Internet and modern technologies.
2- Creating programs and courses to develop students' skills in dealing with different online courses.
3- Using the asynchronous learning in teaching some curriculums at the university level, also in schools.
4- Arranging for training plans for teachers in all disciplines illustrating e-learning programs in general and asynchronous learning programs in particular.
5- Providing of hardware and software necessary for the successful application of e-learning inside Egyptian universities.
Research Suggestions
Based upon the main findings of the current research, the following topics are suggested for further research:
1- Studying the effect of using e-learning on increasing student achievement versus using traditional methods.
2- The effect of using e-learning on student attitude towards the educational subjects.
3- The effectiveness of using asynchronous learning in providing students with skills of using the modern educational devices.
4- The effect of using asynchronous learning on the achievement and attitude towards the instructional subjects.
5- The effect of using both synchronous and asynchronous learning on providing students with programming skills.