AbdAlRahman Mohammed AbdAlGawad Ahmed


Basic Informations


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Name: AbdAlRahman Mohammed AbdAlGawad Ahmed (nickname: Dr. Abd-AlRaman Bory)

Current Job:

Egyptian Deputy Council Member (Vice president of education committee).

Assistant Professor of Mathematics curriculum & Instruction – faculty of education, Beni – Suef University.

President of Educational advice and training center in Beni –Suef University

E-mail:  abdelrahaman2001@hotmail.com



1-  Supervision and examination of 15 masters and dissertations.

2-  Training of Trainers Certificate accredited by higher education ministry, FLDP and HEEP.

3-  Authoring 5 books in mathematics curriculum & instruction.

Some Research Projects

1-  Formulating rubrics of the national criteria indicators for illiteracy and adult education in Egypt.

2-  Transferring the Japanese experience of Lesson Study as one of the professional development tools to the Arab teacher generally and the Egyptian teacher specifically.

3-  Project of Local Community Development in Beni –Suef through an integrated program for illiteracy and adult education.

4-  The practicum development project in the light of the international directions.

5-  Quality Assurance and accreditation project in Faculty of Education – Beni Suef governorate.  

6-  Project of Arabic and Mathematics teaching and evaluation for the primary three in the light of the critical thinking skills and active learning.


Master Title

not yet

Master Abstract

not yet

PHD Title

not yet

PHD Abstract

not yet

All rights reserved ©AbdAlRahman Mohammed AbdAlGawad Ahmed