A Five-day Workshop Organized by the Integrated IELP-II on “Using Computers and the Internet in English Language Teaching”,03 April, 08 April, 1998 Cairo.
A Five-day Workshop Organized by the Integrated IELP-II on “Using Audiovisuals in English Language Teaching”,28 Nov.,03 Dec.,1998, Alexandria.
A Two-day Seminar Organized by the Integrated IELP-II on “Teaching Practice in Egypt: Redesigning Policies”, 28 April, 29 April, 1999, Cairo.
A Forty-five Workshop Organized by the Integrated IELP-II on “Primary Education Methodology: Training Egyptian Professors of Education in TESOL, E_POET Programme”, California State University at Los Angeles.
A Presentation entitled “Agents of Change and Constructive Classroom Mangers of the Learning Process” done at a two-day ESP conference organised by the Integrated IELP-II , Sept.12th, 2000.
A Five-day Workshop Organized by the Integrated IELP-II on “Using Communicative Methods in Teaching English”, Assiut.
The 1st Five-day Workshop Organized by the Integrated IELP-II on “The Teaching Practice Improvement Project” in Technical Assistance with the Faculty of Education with the Ministry of Education in Collaboration with USAID. Feb.
The 2nd Five-day Workshop Organized by the Integrated IELP-II on “The Teaching Practice Improvement Project” in Technical Assistance with the Faculty of Education with the Ministry of Education in Collaboration with USAID. March.
The 3rd Five-day Workshop Organized by the Integrated IELP-II on “The Teaching Practice Improvement Project” in Technical Assistance with the Faculty of Education with the Ministry of Education in Collaboration with USAID. August.
A Presentation on “Developing and Redesigning the Hello Series Taught at Egyptian Schools”, done as part of the Primary Education Program at California State University.
A Panel Discussion with Five Egyptian Teachers and Helena Simas “A Dialogue with Teachers: What Really Counts?”, presented at the First EgypTESOL , June, Cairo.
A Presentation of a Paper “Supervisorial Practices that Improves Teaching”, Presented at the 3rd Cairo Conferences of Returned Participants, March.
A Two-day conference "The Fourth Cairo Conference for Returned Participants" on “Using Standards in English Language Teaching”, March, 2002.
A Five-day Workshop on “Primary Methodology Resources”, in Cairo August 25th till 29th, 2002.
A Five-day Workshop on “Best Practices Videos in Language Teaching and Teaching Practicum”, in Cairo September 29th till October 3rd, 2002.
Attended a10-day trainer of trainer programme for the National Girl friendly One-room Schools in Egypt- a programme for preparing trainers of one room schools nationwide. June, 2003.
Attended and participated in the Third ESP Conference held in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina from July 29 – 30, 2003. Delivered a professional presentation in collaboration with Professor Sirvart Sahakian at the conference on “Using Webquests in Teaching ESP”.
Attended a Workshop on “Application of Standards for Novice and Student Teachers” organized by the IELP-II at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the period from September 13 to September 18, 2003.