Basic Informations
Dr. Azzam Abd Al-Naby Ahmed Mohammed
lecturer at Faculty of Education
Belifia, Bani- Sweif, Egypt
Tel. No (002) 01002682104, (002) 01123272859,
ý 26\5\2009- till now an lecturer at Faculty of Education. (Foundations of Education Department; Major: Comparative Education).
ý 16\2\2006- 26\5\2009 an assistant lecturer at Faculty of Education. (Foundations of Education Department; Major: Comparative Education).
ý 17\2\2001- 16\2\2006 a demonstrator at Faculty of Education. (Foundations of Education Department; Major: Comparative Education & Educational Admenistration).
ý Training the students of faculty of education – Arabic Language and Mathematics departments, Basic Education – on "The Effective Communication Skills", within the project of the Adult Education (Iqraa) affiliated to the project of faculties of education reform (FER ).
ý Training the research assistants within the faculties of Bani- Sweif University, on "The Effective Communication Skills", during the training course of "Preparing the University Teachers" held by the unit of preparing the university teacher in the Bani Sweif University in May of 2006 .
ý Training the supervisors of MOE on "The Educational Supervision", under the Education Reform Program (ERP) umbrella in August 2006 .
ý Training the elementary schools principals as well as those who are in charge of training units on "Preparing the training programs " under the ERP umbrella in September of 2006 .
ý Training the supervisors of MOE and the principals of elementary schools as well as the senior teachers on "Applying the class room observation form", under the Education Reform Program umbrella in October of 2006 .
ý Working as a trainer in the project of developing the information systems and technologies in the higher education to train the faculty members as well as their assistants and the personnel on using the computer, as of August 2006 up to now.
ý Participation in a training course on "The applications of the computer in teaching the major" that is held by centre of training and consultations – faculty of education, Bani Sweif University, as of 21 – 7 – 2007 up to now .
ý A training course about "The Skills of Effective Presentation" presented to the artistic support unit managers at the educational departments in Bani- Sweif, which organized by the Main Training Center", April, 2009 .
ý A training course about "The Skills of Effective Presentation" presented to the Secondary schools principals in Bani- Sweif, which organized by the Main Training Center", April, 2009.
ý Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Diploma and Practitioner.
ý Attending a workshop about "Using Research Database on the Egyptian Universities Libraries Consortium" during 2009, held by Bani- Sweif University.
ý A training course of trainers for the facilitators of the friend schools for girls (TOTI) that the national council for childhood and motherhood, in cooperation with UNISEF organized in June of 2003.
ý A training course of trainers for the facilitators of the friend schools for girls (TOTII) that the national council for childhood and motherhood, in cooperation with UNISEF organized in June of 2006.
ý A training course of trainers for the facilitators of the friend schools for girls (TOTI) that the national council for childhood and motherhood, in cooperation with UNISEF organized in February of 2007.
ý A training course of TOEFL in the centre of Foreign Languages and the specialized translation as of 22- 10-2003 till 21-12-2003 in the faculty of Arts – Cairo University.
ý A training course of Computer with the aim of getting ICDL as of May till August 2005 in the faculty of computers and information – Helwan University, in cooperation with UNESCO.
ý A training course on "The Skills of Effective Presentation", within the program of developing capacities of faculty members, held in the Pharmacy faculty – Bani- Sweif University.
ý A training course on "The Scientific Thinking, within the program of developing capacities of faculty members, held in the Pharmacy faculty – Bani- Sweif University.
ý A training course on "Time Management and Work Pressure", within the program of developing capacities of faculty members, held in the Pharmacy faculty – Bani- Sweif University.
ý A training course on "The Evaluation and the Measurement", within the program of developing capacities of faculty members, held in the Pharmacy faculty – Bani- Sweif University.
ý A training course of trainers on the how of using the computer in the education, within "Intel Learning for the future, as of 2-4-2007 till 5-4-2007, in the faculty of education – Ain Shamas University.
ý Training Course about “how to involve the political values in the educational curricula in the Arab Countries”, the Arab Organization of Human Rights in Cairo in co-operation with the Educational Research Institution in the Arab Countries League, from 13- 5-2009 till 16- 5-2009.
ý A training course of (TOT) from the Center of Developing the Abilities of Faculty Staff Board, from 20-3-2010 till 24-3-2010.
ý A trainer in developing capacities of faculty members and managerial leaders in Bani- Sweif University from 1\5\2010 till now .
ý The administrative supervision on the training courses of the faculty of education students as a teacher for the illiteracy classes , within the project of the elder education " Iqraa " , that affiliated to the Faculties of Education Reform .
ý The technical supervision on one of the illiteracy classes , within the project of the elder education " Iqraa " , that affiliated to the Faculties of Education Reform .
ý Managerial Supervision on the training courses presented to the student of third and fourth year to prepare them to work in the project of Illiteracy and Adult Education with the project of developing the local society in Bani- Sweif "Iqraa ".
ý Artistic supervision on the classes of illiteracy with the classes of the project of developing the local society in Bani- Sweif "Iqraa ".
ý A member in the executive team of The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project, Faculty of Education, Bani- Sweif .
ý A member of the Computer International Center board Faculty of Education, Bani- Sweif.
ý The conference of the Egyptian association for the comparative education and the educational administration, entitled “The Accreditation and the Education Quality Insurance "in January of 2005, held in the faculty of education – Bani Sweif University .
ý The second scientific conference of the faculty of education – Bani Sweif University , entitled " The Childhood and the Creation in the Information Age "
ý The third scientific conference of the faculty of education – Beni Suef University ,entitled " The Globalization and the Pre-Higher Education Curricula "
ý The conferences of the Egyptian Assembly of Comparative Education and Educational Administration
ý Participating in organizing the first Scientific Symposium entitled “The Role of Bani- Sweif University to put the Strategy of Illiteracy in the Governorate”, December, 2010, Faculty of Education, Bani- Sweif University .
ý A member in the "Recommendations Committee" in the Second Scientific Symposium entitled “Procedural Methods of Dealing with School Violence in Bani- Sweif”, December, 2010, Faculty of Education, Bani- Sweif University in cooperation with the Governorate General Department and Education Department.
ý A survey about determining the educational needs of non- educated persons in Alfant village, in Alfashen, Bani- Sweif, presented to the first Scientific Symposium entitled “The Role of Bani- Sweif University to put the Strategy of Illiteracy in the Governorate”, December, 2010, Faculty of Education, Bani- Sweif University .
ý A paper about “A Suggested Strategy about how to put a Strategy to Face the problem of Illiteracy in the Governorate”, December, 2010, Faculty of Education, Bani- Sweif University .
ý A study entitled “A Suggestive Perspective of Activating the Services of Academic Advising in the Egyptian Universities in the Light of the United States of America Experience”, presented to the 18th Scientific conference of the Egyptian Assembly of Comparative Education and Educational Administration: entitled “The Attitudes of Developing Education in the Arab World”, 6-7 February, 2010, held in the Faculty of Education, Bani- Sweif University.
ý Bachelor of Science and Education, Major Biology, 2000, Faculty of Education, Cairo University, Bani- Sweif Branch, very good estimation with honor .
Post- Graduate Studies
ý Special Diploma of Education major in the Foundations of Education department (major Comparative Education), 2002, Faculty of Education, Cairo University, Bani- Sweif Branch with very good estimation.
ý Master of Education degree entitled "Global Contemporary Formulas of On-Line Higher Education and the Potentials of Applying them in the Arab Republic of Egypt", 2006, Faculty of Education, Bani- Sweif University, excellent degree with the recommendation of printing the thesis from the university own money, as well as the circulation of the thesis amongst the universities and the scientific research centers
ý PhD degree, entitled " Mechanisms of activating the Partnerships amongst the Universities and the Societal Institutions in Egypt in the light of the Experience of some Countries" – A comparative study, 2009, with the recommendation of printing the thesis from the university own money, as well as the circulation of the thesis amongst the universities and the scientific research centers.
v Language Skills:
ü Arabic Language: Mother Tongue.
ü English Language: Second Language.
v Computer Skills:
ü I've got ICDL Certificate, 2010, in addition experience in dealing with software problems.
« Competent and efficient
« Decisive
« Work under stress.
« Creative thinking.
« Ambitious
« Enthusiastic
« Leadership abilities
« Punctual
« Analytical thinking
« Effective communication skills.
« Sympathetic
« Able to work alone and in teams
« Self- confident.
« Discreet, honest and loyal
« Cooperative
- Nationality: Egyptian * Gender: Male
- Marital Status: married + three
- Residence: Belifia, Bani- Sweif, Egypt
- Tel: (002) 0102682104, (002) 0140606375
- Home: 082180063 Fax: 0822315873
Master Title
Contemporary Global Formulas in Distance Higher Education and Potential Applications in a Suggested Egyptian Paradigm. (Comparative study)
Master Abstract
Higher education is considered a strategic reservoir that provides society with all what it needs of efficient people to develop the miscellaneous aspects of life. It is also seen as the basic tool contributing to building up individuals and the whole society. Nowadays, as we witness a period of life rife with technological advancements; we are faced by unprecedented, newfangled methodology and modes of teaching and learning that allow learners to gain knowledge regardless of spatial and temporal barriers. Among these new modes of learning comes “distance education” which is considered an up-to- date opportunity for learning, training and study through enrollments in the eminent institutes, associations and universities that are run via distance and online education.
The problem of the study:
Our contemporary world is characterized by two educational phenomena : (1) the increasing social demand for education in every stage, and (2) the rapid scientific and technological progress encompassing all manifestations of life. Therefore, we are obliged to develop our existing educational systems, and search for new parallel formulas capable of educating the largest number of individuals at the least expenses, through education and training programmes that tap into how to keep up with the developed countries. It is the poor connection between the Egyptian higher education and the societal developmental needs, the absence of collaboration among higher education institutions, and the incapacity of higher education institutions to assimilate high school graduates that drove a lot of students to study abroad. In this vein, it is necessary to consider different educational formulas such as open education, virtual education and collaborative educational formulas.
The problem of the study can be worded in the following question:
How do we make use of the contemporary worldwide formulas of distance higher education in Egypt?
This question branches off into the following:
1- What are the contemporary worldwide changes, and their reflections upon distance higher education?
2- What are the contemporary worldwide formulas of higher education?
3- What is the status quo of distance education in its current status in Egypt?
4- What is the suggested paradigm of distance higher education formula in Egypt.
The objectives of the study:
This study aims at recognising:
1- the contemporary worldwide changes and their reflections upon distance higher education.
2- the contemporary worldwide formulas of distance higher education.
3- the real-life problems facing higher education in Egypt.
4- the condition and reality of distance higher education in Egypt.
5- providing a suggested paradigm of a distance higher education formula for Egypt.
The significance of the study:
The significance of this study appears clearly in what follows:
1- Providing a complete distance higher education formula for policy-makers.
2- Achieving the principle of equity in providing educational opportunities for all the deprived individuals.
3- Providing a new formula of distance higher education that meets the Egyptian society’s needs.
4- Enabling universities to keep up with the up-to-date formulas of distance higher education.
5- Applying up-to-date technology distance education applications to the Egyptian context.
6- Encouraging self-learning, life-long learning and flexibility of learning paradigms.
The methodology of the study:
This study is based upon a systems-approach to examine and explore some contemporary worldwide formulas in distance higher education, extracting a suggested paradigm of a complete formula of distance higher education in Egypt.
The scope and rationales of the study:
This study is laid mainly to examine open education, virtual education and collaborative higher education formulas, while providing some models-to-be-applied to each formula indicating how to make use of it.
Stops of the study:
The steps of the study unfold as follows:
1. The framework of the study: it includes the study introduction, problems, objectives, significance, methodology, scope, previous studies, and the steps of the study.
2. The contemporary worldwide changes and their reflections upon distance higher education: It includes the genesis and development of distance higher education institutions, the contemporary variables, the worldwide interest in distance higher education, and finally its rationales.
3. The contemporary world formulas of distance higher education:
A. Open higher education formula through providing some models of open higher education such as the UK Open University, and Japanese Air University regarding (philosophy, objectives, admission policy, organization, financial sources, study system, and methods of evaluation).
B. Providing virtual higher education formula by offering some models of virtual education such as U.S. Kentucky Virtual University regarding (philosophy, objectives, admission policy, organization, financial sources, study system, and methods of evaluation)
C. Providing a collaborative higher education formula by offering some models of collaborative distance education such as Goutland open university in Denmark, regarding (philosophy, objectives, admission policy, organization, financial sources, study system, and methods of evaluation).
4. The status quo of distance higher education in Egypt inducing the problems of traditional higher education and the warrants of adopting distance higher education in Egypt then, the status quo of the distance higher education is addressed in service programme of training elementary – level teacher to carry out the responsibilities of the open education as for (philosophy, objectives, admission policy, organization, financial sources, study system, and methods of evaluation, and the factors affecting distance higher education formulas in Egypt.
The field study explored as to what extent the selected sample of individuals agree to the items of the questionnaire concerning the Egypt, and the possibility of adapting it in the light of the social and economical conditions in Egypt, thereby enabling the researcher to suggest the most appropriate formula for Egypt.
The suggested paradigm was set to include rationales, objectives, components, and requirements of its implementation, obstacles foreseen and how to overcome them, and the findings and recommendations.
The findings and recommendations:
1- The government’s endeavour to accomplish the principle of equity and the educational democracy through equalizing educational opportunities for all individuals and different stages of education especially higher education.
2- The government and the ministry of higher education’s deep interest in providing more educational opportunities for learners.
3- The availability of the developed technological equipments in Egypt that will help to create more education opportunities in a flexible way.
4- The existing shortcomings in the Egyptian distance higher education such as:
? The lack of a clear policy identifying the society’s educational needs.
? The lack of flexibility in our education at a time when fidexibity is most needed in distance education.
? The shortage in designing the education a materials, thereby depriving students of self learning as these educational material are nothing but a duplicate of the materials designed in traditional universities.
? The weak media awareness of the programmes and their importance for individuals, so the registrations in such programmes becomes meagre.
5- What is evaluated are learners' oucomings only, while curricula and programmes are ignored.
The study also suggested a conceptualized paradigm of a complete distance higher education formula in Egypt though a set of items indicating the philosophy, objectives, admission policy, organization, funding sources, study system, and methods of evaluation) The study also suggested some required procedures to implement the paradign suggested to Egypt.
1- Enacting laws and legislations that warrant getting the political and financial support for implementing the suggested formula.
2- Providing the prerequisite materials such as buildings, equipments, technological devices, studios, study halls, etc…
3- Providing the efficient people of all specializations to implement our suggested formula.
4- Conducting surveys to determine the societal educational needs that go along with market demands.
5- Using the recent technological methods in implementing the formula in a way that help achieve its objectives, and allow a great deal of flexibility in disseminating it programmes to the deprived people.
6- The collaboration among the educational and societal institutions to support the formula.
Suggested Further Research:
Based on the findings and recommendations of the present study, the following topics have been suggested for further research:
? Investigating virtual universities in Egypt in the light of the American and British experiences;
? The Corporate University Paradigm: an international comparative study;
? The reality and future of virtual education in the light of the digital divide;
? Egyptian virtual universities: funding, implementation and administration requirements;
? Collaboration between virtual universities: reality and future demands;
? ICT in achieving equal educational opportunities: a comparative study.
PHD Title
The Mechanisms of Activating Partnership Between University and Productive Organizations in the Light of Contemprorary Global Trends
PHD Abstract
University is considered responsible for preparing human resources and qualifying them what helps achieving comprehensive economical and social development, also it detects the problems of the society and tries to solve them. Whereas the university is no more capable of facing the challenges of this age alone without different society organisations participation, as it has become an urgent need to support the relationship between higher education and business world, through supporting partnership between university and productive organisations, also to connect university with the needs of production sectors and the variables of market place now and in the future. So Partnership considers the way through which interaction and communication between university and society organisations (productive and servant) can be achieved what leads to the integration between the efforts and maximizing the benefits and achieving the desired targets for both sides which basically include developing human force, increasing financial resources and the ability of competing internationally.
Problem of Study
In the light of contemporary local and global changes, the egyptian universities are facing lots of problems and challenges which minimize their ability to perform their roles (teaching, scientific research, and community service) but they suffer from funding shortage, weakness of the graduates levels, the society and its organisations mistrust in university, the low ability to match up with scientific and technological progress and the knowledge and informatics explosion, what makes them unable to satisfy the society needs and can't solve its problems, so they need to determine the needs of the society organisations about the specifications of their employees/ workers accurately, and about funding and supporting the activities of research tends to serve the purposes of development, and to define the training needs and research activities and professional consultations which universities can present as well as using society organisations to give university students a field training.
Also society organisations (productive and servant) suffer from scarcity of effective workers/ employees and shortage of the programs which can help in qualifying them to the nature of their work, and the fewness in researches which contribute to their development and modernization and helping to solve their problems. Thus they want a human force which capable of dealing with the requirements of the market place and the changes of the age, also capable of solving problems related to work and developing tools and techniques of production, and presenting research, professional and consultative service, so these organisations become capable of continuous development and achieving better performance rates what allow them to compete globally. So they search for the mechanisms of co-operation and partnership between university and society organisations to construct an integration between them, which contribute to achieve the needs and requirements of both sides as it exists in some countries such as incubator technology and productive universities in the United States of America, and centers of excellence in Canada and marketing organisation and corporate universities in England and research parks in Japan, and in the light of this the following research is trying to answer the following main question:
How can partnership between the university and productive organizations be activated in the light contemporary global trends?
The following questions can be branched out:
1. What does partnership mean: its concept, aims, stages of constructing, elements, and the factors affecting its appearance?
2. What are the contemporary trends at the field of partnership between university and productive organizations?
3. What is the status quo of partnership between the university and productive organisations in Egypt?
4. What is the suggestive perspective of the mechanisms of activating partnership between university and productive organisations in Egypt?
Aims of Study:
The following study aims at:
1. To know the concept of partnership: its aims, elements, stages of constructing, and factors affecting its appearance.
2. To determine some global trends at the field of partnership between university and productive organisations and its potential benefits through making an explanatory comparative analysis between them and extracting the points of strengthens.
3. To analysis the partnership between university and productive organisations in Egypt using SWOT analysis to determine the points of strengthens, weakness, opportunities and threatens.
4. To present a suggestive perspective about the mechanisms of activating the partnership between the university and productive organisations in Egypt.
Significance of the Study
Significance of the study appears from the importance of partnership between university and productive organizations and its role in achieving the economic and social development. Also regarding it the appropriate mean by which challenges that face the higher education could be solved and over come the problems that prevent it from achieving its goals. Therefore, the significance of study is related to:
1- It matches up with the local and universal trends which adopt partnership between different sectors in countries and between them.
2- It sheds the light on one of the pathways that help universities to overcome their obstacles and set themselves free from their isolation besides overcoming their problems.
3- It gives policy and decision makers some mechanisms which may contribute in activating the partnership between university and some production organisations in Egypt.
4- It presents some mechanisms that increase the productive and competitive ability of the production organizations, also offering scientific research that meet the needs of the society and contribute to solve its problems.
5- It may support the relationship between university and society organizations and making cooperation and integration among them through presenting some mechanisms that allow communication and interaction between the university and society organizations what help in achieving the goals of both sides.
Methodology of the Study
Methodology of the study is selected according to the nature of the problem; consequently, the study uses the comparative methodology that depends on description, analysis then comparison. That's besides using SOWT analysis in order to analyses the status quo of partnership in Egypt. Also, Delphi technique to know some experts' opinion about how the suggestive perspective could be applied.
Limitations and Rationale of the Study
The current study focuses on three scientific trends in the field of the partnership between the university and productive organizations which are:
1- The Corporate University: because the productive organizations such as factories and companies adopt this trend which supports the co- operation and the relationship between them. Also, because depending on this trend has achieved success in the whole world, besides Egypt has numerous corporations that are characterized by excellence at their work and this trend suits them perfectly according to their abilities and capacities.
2- The Incubator Technology: this trend considers one of the effective mechanisms for attaining active partnership between the university and productive organizations, whereas the universities owe the material and human resources, which enable them to establish such incubators. Also there are lots of corporations and factories which can support these incubators because of the potential benefits they can achieve through this way.
3- The Centers of Excellence: because there is a start of this trend at the Egyptian universities, as many of them have lots of research centers and units of special character that can be transferred into centers of excellence, through partnership generally between them and the societal organizations or between them and the productive organizations specifically.
Procedures of the Study:
The steps of the research unfold as follows:
1- The general framework of the study which includes: an introduction, the problem, significance, aims, methodology, limitations and rationale, terms, steps of the study, and the dissertations of similar studies and commence on them.
2- The theoretical framework about the partnership: concept, philosophy, aims, significance, characteristics, fields, types, constructing stages and development, factors of failure and success, reasons of establishment and finally the global interests in it.
3- Displaying some contemporary global trends at the field of partnership between the university and the productive organizations which can be used the Egyptian society, such as: the corporate universities, the incubator technology and centers of excellence. Through presenting theirs establishment, philosophy, aims, administration and funding, curricula, the services they could offer, then displaying some practical examples of each in some countries and finally conducting a comparative comparison among them to know whether if they could be practiced here in Egypt in the light of the local societal variables.
4- The analysis of the status quo of partnership between the university and productive organizations in Egypt, via displaying the aims of the university and theirs functions and the relationship of these things with the partnership, then presenting the fields of partnership and the role of units of special character in achieving partnership, then showing reasons of partnership through handling the problems of higher education and the global variables, finally analyzing the status quo of partnership between the university and productive organizations in Egypt.
5- The field study which related to know the experts' opinions about the suggested perspective of activating the partnership between the university and the productive organizations in Egypt using Delphi technique.
6- Finally, a suggestive perspective is presented to show some mechanisms of achieving the partnership between the university and productive organizations in Egypt in the light of the theoretical study and the comparative analysis for the global trends, and the analysis of the partnership status quo in Egypt besides the field study then presenting some recommendations and suggestions.
Findings of the Study
The study concludes to some findings which are:
1- The partnership between university and production organizations becomes a prerequisite to achieve an extraordinary education that can present outputs marked with mastery, because of the universal intensive competition and the tremendous technological progress, where mastery becomes the essential goal of production, and the conflict has been related to the universal market, and this won't be existed unless there is a remarkable education results in the partnership between the different institutions of university and the production sectors, what lead to prepare leaders whom capable of dealing with the innovations and variables of the age.
2- The university can make partnership relationships with society organizations generally, and production organizations specifically, through presenting programs of continuous education to achieve workers' continuous professional development through these organizations, or making specialized training programs according to the needs and requirements of these organizations or conducting practical scientific research to solve their problems or at least contributing to develop their products and finally through offering scientific consultations which contribute to solve their problems or help to overcome their obstacles. Hence, fields of partnership between university and society organizations are enormous and various, what achieve benefits for both sides.
3- Making partnership relationships between university and productive organizations based on the needs and motives of both sides, so it's necessary for the success and continuity of partnership mechanisms between the two sides to satisfy the cognitive, economical and social requirements of the partners, also to present the desired solutions suitable for their problems, and to develop both of them.
Also, the study concludes to set a suggested perspective about the mechanisms of activating the partnership between the university and the productive organizations in Egypt, which consists of some dimensions that includes: its philosophy, aims, admission policy, academic courses, organizational structure and funding resources.
The research suggested some required procedures to perform it in Egypt which includes:
1- Pronouncing the necessary laws and legislations required to establish partnerships with the production organizations that guarantee the lawful support for them.
2- Providing the required materials such as buildings, laboratories, equipments and technological equipments.
3- Providing human force such as teaching staff, experts, researchers, technicians and executives and administrators.
4- Making researches to determine the educational, training and research requirements for the production organizations.
5- Making propaganda researches to advertise the idea of the philosophy and aims of the perspective, besides spreading the culture of partnership between the university and production organizations.
6- Framing consultative committees of production organizations and universities that work on studying the mechanisms of partnership and setting the required action plan to perform the perspective.
7- Making a web site about partnerships on the World Wide Web (Internet) wherein the students can enroll and get the educational and training programs.
8- Depending on the modernist technology techniques that achieve the aims of the perspective, providing them with the flexibility in the process of spreading and delivering their programs to individuals who are interested in the perspective.
9- Spreading partnership culture and its significance to the productive and service society organizations on equally, in addition to its role in achieving the economic and social progress for the society.
Suggested Researches and Studies
Based on the findings as well as the recommendations of the study, the researcher suggests the following research topics:
1- A comparative study for the corporate universities in the light of some countries experiences and its potential benefits in Egypt.
2- The role of corporate universities in developing the Egyptian universities.
3- The incubators technology as sources for universal funding.
4- Using incubators technology to achieve the economic development.
5- A comparative study for the technological incubators in the light of some countries experience and its potential benefits in Egypt.
6- A comparative study for the centers of excellence in the light of some countries experiences and its potential benefits in Egypt.
7- Reconstructing the organizational structure of the egyptian universities in the light of corporate university.
8- The role of the technological incubators in developing creativity and sponsoring creative individuals.